James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


Ok I have crome and no idea where to start!!!

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


See This Or download FireFox and Tamper Data

[deleted user]
12 years ago


You can use burp suite.

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


I need more help like step by step!!!!!!!!!!!

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


HELP I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago


I can help, what do you need help with?

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago



James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago



12 years ago


Read what roun512 has told you. Click on “See This” if your not going to download firefox. If your unwilling to do either, than I guess skip to another level. Not sure what problem you have with firefox, but I must say It’s a great browser with many tools that will help with most all levels in HackThis. Good luck.

Idletester [idletester]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Hey cpn1000 does your mother wipe your arse for you too? Get a grip. If you can’t do Basic+ level 3 go learn knitting. Your'e no good on here!

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


LOL :D :D yes I Agree with U Idletester & knarf169 :D

cpn1000 Please Dont Write in Capslock because most of ppl will IGNORE YOU

cpn1000 Why u make many Posts ! 1 will do everything :(

BE NICE :( Ask For Help in Good Way ~ See Other Threads Because it Says in FireFox and Chome

LOL i think iam giving lessons in social life hehehe

<? ' / ?> [draethel]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago



Step 1. Learn to adapt
Step 2. Stop shouting at people if you need their help
Step 3. Learn

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Find research everything.

12 years ago


If you only ask for answers, it hints us that you aren’t willing to learn, but instead want to be spoon fed. There has been good hints already in this topic and even in this thread (thanks to our friendly users). Please have a look at them and if in doubt, try to explain your problems better.

12 years ago


Oi.. If you only want answers, get the fuck out.
Hacking is not about who is the best, never forget that.

12 years ago


Dude, hacking is about passion. We’re human have amazing thing named brain to think. So think how to solve the problem

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Hey cpn1000 why don’t you do what IDLETESTER said and sod off! You will get no help here. :(

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


I dont think he will come back coz today he didnt open :D :D :D :) :) :)

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


I want to learn retards and im not shouting im getting you guys attenion now can someone please help me on this (idletester I wacthed you on youtube and you suck really really bad!!) Now can every one feel my full disrespect.

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


How do u want us to HELP you and u say this !! and be happy if ur IP didnt be banned here !

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Hey cpn1000 keep it up buddy and you will get yourself banned. Stop being an idiot!

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


and its better To delete UR POSTS ( BAD POSTS ) before admin sees THEM or You Will Got Ban :(

[deleted user]
12 years ago


It is watched not “wacthed” :)

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


Hehe , :D the important is he is idiot and he Must not be Idiot and Idletester is old member NOT like You So We Preffer Him on U !!!!

12 years ago


@cpn1000 sorry, I just don’t feel it :(
maybe if you would tell us what you have tried already and what you have got from the hints already given in this thread.

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Thank you, I tryed to under stand “see this” didn’t work I just don’t under stand the main reason i think this is because is they are not using google crome.
by friendly users do you mean “hey cpn1000 does your mother wipe your ass too?”

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


Ok Lets Start From The Beginning

1- Are You On Google Chrome or FireFox ?

If on Chrome U have To See What I Gave To U Before

If on FireFox U Must Downlad Tamper Data

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


CHROME is what i use.

[deleted user]
12 years ago


I just tried it again with Firefox and Tamper Data and it worked easy!
Just enter over 194175 and you’ll pass it. It is quite simple with Tamper Data.
But if you must use Chrome you need to open the search and post the data into
the requested page! Use Firefox as it is much simpler for you! :)

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


How do I post the data and what data (you rock.)

[deleted user]
12 years ago


Let’s read careful hint from ANONRA

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


OMG THANK YOU I’LL TRY IT YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


Crap i still need help I GOT TAMPER MONKEY it is the chrome vertion of tamperdata

[deleted user]
12 years ago


You need research about how to use tamper data.

12 years ago


[quote=https://github.com/langpavel/tampermonkey/blob/master/README]Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager for Google Chrome[/quote]
Doesn’t sound like tamper data to me. I can be mistaken ofcourse, since I haven’t used tamper monkey..

<? ' / ?> [draethel]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago



Your asking for an answer to your problem but you don’t wanna listen to anyone.
Look its really fucking simple. Install firefox and then install tamper data. Use tamper data to change the score.
Its not about the browser its about understanding how to post data and that’s it!
Tamper Data makes this easy, that’s what you want isn’t it?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


There is no alternative to TamperData for chrome. Chromes security permissions don’t allow it (to the best of my knowledge).

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


Yes FireFox Is the Best Browser for hackers Chrome dont allow somewods like XSS and this so u must Use FireFox its easier

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


go die draethel! and i know what to do i just dont know how to do it AND NOOOOOOOOO IM NOT DOWNLOADING FIRE FOX JUST TO COMPLETE THIS ONE LEVEL!!!

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago


Then Dont ask for our HELP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! for talking THIS SHIT !

12 years ago


CPN, just go on to another challenge.. Solve it later.
You will also understand it better.

James Singh [cpn1000]
12 years ago


fallenonehf you are pretty cool can’t you just help me please? :( I mean look at your score…

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
12 years ago


@cpn1000 this is when you ask yourself, “is this what I should be doing?” Probably not, Fallen is 13 and has completed this whole site, including the new SQLi Level 2 challenge. If you can’t pass basic level 3 on your own, then you probably should find a different hobby. Real hackers (myself not included) didn’t become hackers because they went on a website begging like a spoiled 10 year old who plays Call of Duty, they spent years doing research, reading books on C#, Java, Python, so on and so forth.

Because I am nice I will include a spoiler that will help you out immensely


12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


i can help you cpn1000. go here. or here. your choice.

12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


Ok, guys… try to behave.
There is an alternative way to do this… which has also been discussed in the forums.

<? ' / ?> [draethel]
12 years ago


@cpn1000 - I’m sorry, I was completly out of line. Its just easier to use firefox, thats all. I had a rough night. I hope you will accept my appology for being a f*cking dick about it.

Sorry once again cpn1000 for being so bloody rude to you. :(

12 years ago


You, sir just earned over 9000 respect!

12 years ago


Guys, do not post the answers! Give the beginners to think a lit bit!

???Roun512 [roun512]
12 years ago | edited 12 years ago


@daMage : hehehe Yes i agree he did

[quote=draethel]being a f*cking dick about it.

Sorry once again cpn1000 for being so bloody rude to you. :([/quote]

hehehe Nice one Draethel :D

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Not to be rude but can someone please help me, tell me the “cheats” is really how I learn and i’m seirous!

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


@cpn1000 there is no handy dandy cheat book. Seriously man, I’m not sure why you keep asking this when the obvious answer is study and do research. Hackers are the same thing as Network engineers. They just wear a different hat. The common denominator though is they both put in a ton of hours studying. Start off by learning Java. Getting a good grasp on Java will help you understand a lot. You can work your way up from there, learning Javascript, C#, C++, SQL, Python, Perl, and more. You can find a cheat sheet for Java or a form of SQL, however, that does not mean you will know how nested loops work, or union clauses. The amount of information out there is near endless, and cutting corners will not help you understand it.

I don’t know how many times you have to be told that this community doesn’t just “give you the cheats”. There is no individual learning program. You can hire hackers on the Dark Net who will teach you, but it is not cheap. If you do find a hacker (a good one) who is willing to help for free you better be wary.

The hackthis.co.uk community has given you plenty of help, directly and indirectly. Take a step back and reread the information. If you are stuck on a problem, be specific about where you are stuck. You are more likely to receive help and less bad mouthing from forum members. It will also show you are trying to figure it out.

James Singh [cpn1000]
11 years ago


Thank you Ski900 for being so nice about that but I what to know how to do it, I need a basic level 3 for dummies type awnser.

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


No problem man. However, you should understand that the recommendations I, or anyone on here give you have already been stated above. It takes away from the objective of the site if we give you step by step instructions. Hack.this.co.uk is designed to be a self engaged learning process (my understanding of it); taking that away defeats the purpose of it. That being said, I will address concerns you mentioned above.

Download Firefox and get the add-on “TamperData”.

I know you are set with Google Chrome, however, one major difference is that Chrome does not allow modifications of HTTP requests due to API restrictions. There are some ways around this, yet, they are complicated and I would not recommend using these methods unless you were an experienced programmer. If you are seriously interested in becoming a hacker, one infant step is to ditch Chrome and use Firefox. Firefox offers so much more than Chrome.

Since we seem to have a mutual respect, try being open to new ways that forum members suggest. Some of the recommendations have come from members who know what they are doing and have not steered you in the wrong direction. A lot of us have worked hard figuring out these levels and it is frustrating when someone demands answers. If you choose not to download Firefox/Tamperdata, unfortunately there is nothing we can do for you (or at least me lol). On the other hand, if you decide to download Firefox, I am more than willing to help you get it set up with TamperData. I won’t solve the level for you, but I, as with the other forum members, will get you steered in the right direction.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Hell, is this guy still going at the same rubbish?
Look cpn1000 we have already tried to tell you what to do.
For the easiest way to do it, you’ll need FIREFOX and the addon TAMPERDATA

When you are on the correct levels page. Here: http://www.hackthis.co.uk/levels/b3.php
Run TAMPERDATA then click start tamper. You need to change 194175 to a higher number to pass the level.

I hope this is not too much a spoiler but this guy is getting very irritating and it spoils it for members who are really trying hard.

Get a grip cpn1000 you will never learn if you don’t listen to what you are being told. So stop asking for full walk through on a level because you won’t get it and keep up going the way you are. No one will listen to you let alone help you. A lot of members tried to help you on here and you post “I NEED STEP BY STEP LEVEL SPOILERS TO THIS IM NOT GETING FIRE FOX!!!”

Well if you don’t want to use FIREFOX then tough! Do it yourself.

the 12 [lulle321]
11 years ago



Mark [OhB1]
11 years ago


I am with cpn1000 on this! You stick to your guns mate and do NOT install firefox… We all know it is written by the CIA and will snoop your passwords. You will be all the better for it and will probably return for another life as Angelina Jolie’s bra - you lucky man.

Spoiler @cpn1000…

If you really want to crack this level without Firefox then can i suggest you use CHROME to Google “109384” (the high score to beat) and research ‘hue angles’… You will find it is no coincidence that the hex colour 109384 is composed of 6.3% red, 57.6% green and 51.8% blue. Whereas, as everyone knows, in a CMYK colour space, it is composed of 89.1% cyan, 0% magenta, 10.2% yellow and of course 42.4% black. It has a hue angle of 173.1 degrees, a saturation of 80.4% and a lightness of 32%. All this tells us that #109384 colour hex could be obtained by blending #20ffff with #002709.

So what? Well, I guess what I am trying to get at is… If you screen print the challenge page and print it out, then colour it in, ANY colour with a higher hex value than 109384, then scan it back in and press submit, you will have solved the challenge.

Oh and some other advice… don’t run with scissors

[deleted user]
11 years ago


So Firefox was written by the CIA and will snoop your passwords?? Yeah I read this too. Well that can be done whatever browser you use. I don’t save any passwords on my machine. They are all in my head and people also store passwords in chrome and IE too but if they used Safari, it is not the default to save passwords for sites. It is simple:- Turn off the password save on whatever browser you are using.

Their was an article by: Alex Constantine - The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA’s Operation called MOCKINGBIRD and you can read the full article here: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED but guess what? I still use Firefox.

Also if people would stop asking for the answers to the levels and tried to work them out by themselves [color=“red”]AND STOP CHEATING [color=“grey”] they might learn something. But if you just give them answers what’s the point of this site? Just so you can say; “Look at my score! I am number (1) on the site.” I’ve been a member on here for about 3 and a ½ years. I have seen it go from great to not so great now. It’s not that Flabby and the rest of the crew haven’t done a great job because they have. It’s the whining skript kiddies who want everyone to “GIVE ME A COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH” That’s just CRAP - No way to learn!! You have to read and research everything you can find on so-called HACKING. Not get spoon fed like they have been for the 13 years of their life so far. You don’t learn to hack, you hack to learn.

Hope you all have a great weekend! :)

P.S. [color=“red”]Oh and OhB1 stop putting spoilers like you have here on this forum. I know I put:[color=“grey”]

When you are on the correct levels page. Here: http://www.hackthis.co.uk/levels/b3.php Run TAMPERDATA then click start tamper. You need to change 194175 to a higher number to pass the level.

But I didn’t tell him exactly how to pass the level I only hinted at what he could do. You just allowed him to cheat but that’s the way it seems to be going on this site now.

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago


can someone just give @cpn1000 some negative karma please since i am not yet allowed to do so…

if you want help ask for hints and think about the hints you’ve been giving

you wont learn if you dont think yourself anyone can copypaste

Kabalion [Slyfox23]
10 years ago


you dont need tamper data or fire fox to beat the challenge!!!! i did it using chrome and whole another method than using some lil add on that fire fox offfers to use………………………….
besides tamper data doesnt wrk anymore if i believe correctly.


Yeah, this thread has been inactive since March 2013. Did you even need to dig it up just to say something irrelevant?

andrew [andrewtx]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


its true
your right
should this be closed?

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