AES want to understand


2 years ago


I know that we have intercepted that with Wireshark:


As the interception finish with an ‘== ’ the hash is encoded with Base 64.
I go to and I past it below of Decode from Base64 format.

I put option with UTF-8 gives as result : ‘u]LнћbћЭѕBmґ EзH“sј…A;;кч3T°„ыњ¦яЬЏЭ.*X0’

I convert all of that in hexa (native format of AES)

I know that some sites can decrypt AES directly with B64 integrated, so just a simple paste of dV1M7Z5int2+QgRtDrQJRedIk+6lp3O8GoVBOzvq9zNUsIT7nKb/3I/dLipYMA==

I know that some sites request of 1 secret key to decrypt. But here with this chall we must bruteforced
Threre is 3 variantes with AES: 128, 192, 256
Here our AES is 192 bits <==> 192/8 <==> 24 bytes ?

Should I use a program with console mode ?
Should have a password list ? doesn’t support AES

should i use a .py or .php script to unhash this aes hash ?
or a .sh or a cgi program

thank you for help me

a year ago | edited a year ago


Try learning a bit more about AES. Try to understand, how you can encrypt a message yourself with for example openssl. Also mabey investigate what encryption methods there are. Hop this helps a bit.

Hint: search for “ecb tux”

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