confused by Intro11

Zbell [zbell]
2 years ago


Hi, I have solved intro11 but in the process of looking around the source file I landed on crypt4 (should I have done this, I wonder) via a link to <a href=‘/playground/recon’
I was comparing side by side with the source of exercise intro10, to use differences as clues.

There was also the difference I guess one was supposed to find, leading to the password, so I have solved it but going back, the password was not working on the original page (other browser, maybe it is reset?)

Anyway, I am past the level but with no clear idea whether I solved it or broke through it and whether I got lost into files I should not have accessed, Is there a thread with post-mortem discussions on intro11?


Anyway, big fun!

🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
a year ago


solutions for intro 11 can be found here

Zbell [zbell]
a year ago


Thank you! I think back then I was confused by accessing more than the current exercise at once. I had assumed the following ones would only unlock later. It was all new, fast and puzzling! Now progress is slower but I have an idea of the direction I should be exploring and reading about.
Still as fun as then!

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