Is something for you still broken?

Something for you

🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
a year ago


Hello! I, and several others, have been struggling with “something for you” despite having solved the other two GPG challenges. Me and @Sevenowl suspect that it is broken. For me, that suspicion is further reinforced by the fact that the last person to solve it did so a year ago. Can somebody who has already solved this challenge try to re-solve it to see if it works? Thank you in advance.

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a year ago | reply to #91872


I believe it is, I have attempted to contact Flabbyrabbit regarding it, as it is his challenge, but have not heard back in months.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
a year ago


I’ve messaged you both privately but for everyone else … “something for you” is back open for business!


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