Got Layer2 what now?

Dante's Inferno

11 months ago


I have been messing around with this challenge for the past few days and managed to find the Quote and the second layer rather quickly. I extracted message from layer 2 and managed to find out the the name. But I am hardstuck now. I tried further extraction on layer2 with various approaches. What exactly am I looking for? I don’t seem to get anything useful out of layer2, except for the message. What is the string concation for? Can anyone point me into the right direction?

🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
8 months ago


Did you find the>> 3-digit nuber (telll me if I spoiled too much)

8 months ago


Yea I got that… but didn’t realy find any use for it yet…

🐉 [Cheerfulbull]
8 months ago


You can PM me if you want, I’m on layer 3 Right now :)

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