Help Please!

Okay so recently , i’ve been trying to install some remote-installable
keyloggers , ive downloaded one , wasnt cracked then downloaded a
cracked one . I believe that the cracked one was either a virus or a
keylogger that was installed on my pc , as my camera light has been
turning on for like 5 sec each 1-2mins .
I really need your help ! ty

Wait … I wasn’t trying to hack anyone with it … I was actually gonna try it on my own PC to check how it works …
I’m new to this whole hacking this , and thats why im asking here for help .
I hope you understand , im still 14 and just trying to learn.
Thank you.

Yeah , I tried ad-aware spyware removal , did a full scan , then googled it and was suggested to try malwarebytes
I did a scan with it and still it’s not fixed.
I was hoping maybe there’s a way to trace data being sent from my pc to check where it’s being sent or a way tocompletely disable camera without uninstalling the drive

A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

Okay thank you richard ill try that program , but first i was thinking …
If i disable the device from where i check for updates for drivers etc… it shouldnt work anymore right ?

A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

Yes , im using windows And dloser , it’s a buit in camera so i cant unplug it .
And yeah im new to this whole ahcking stuff , didnt know about that program .

this is just one way to remove it manually (may not work)… Search bar > execute > msconfig > Startup —> uncheck anything that might look suspicious. OR
Go to task manager and terminate anything that might look suspicious. But if you don’t know how that works, it might be better if you don’t make any changes and let the antivirus (avast) do it for you
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

Thanks richard , but i already tried that :P
I already disabled on startup the keylogger that i was testing on my own pc and some other programs that seemed suspcious.
Right now im installing avast , wireshark and just disabled the device from the drivers windows . I’ll have to restart pc for it to take changes.
I’ll finish , install avast , restart the pc , if it’s still turning on , ill run a scan via avast , if again its still turning on ill try to trace data using wireshark .
If that doesnt work , well i have no choice but formatting pc maybe .
Thanks for the help , ill reply soon telling what happened.

If that works, don’t download any programs like that anymore, keyloggers, free paypal, hacks for some game in xbox/ps3, that always brings something extra for you and you may not like it.
A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

Well the thing is that i usually scan them , but this time , it was a keylogger , so containing a virus or not it would detect it as a virus .
My mistake was that i didnt lookup at the virus name i got and continued .
Thank you . I’ll keep this open in case … :P

Thanks A lot richard , if worked :)
I dont know which method but still :P The light is no longer turning on
I disabled the device from devices and drivers
Scanned using Avast
Scanned using Malware Bytes
USed the software dloser told me about and saw a suspicious ip that i blocked
And well 1 of the methods above worked :P
Thank You Guys <3

A beginner practices until he gets it right, a professional practices until he can’t get it wrong!

Blocking an IP doesn’t sound like a solution. Besides that the program is still on your system, some will have multiple addresses to connect to.
B.t.w, a keylogger is not a virus and virus scanners do not garantuee safety. Trying potentially harmful things on your normal working computer is not the best idea. Set up a safe environment.
Also, next time give some information instead of “i fucked up! help!” We can only give very generic (and obvious) help if you don’t.