Age old question for a n00b... what language
What programming language is the best. Stupid question I know, but this is a beginners site and I know that many other n00bs like myself will be wondering. Thing is, I know that the language you use depends on what you want to do.
I know that the great grand daddy of all languages, C is probably the answer. Or is there an answer? Is my question to stupid

Best is to learn all languages.
Because every of them can be helpfull somewhere.
C language,i belive,is best place where to start,because is simplyer and later easyer to learn other languages.
Btw,there no stupid questions,just stupid answers. : )
C or C++ is good if you want to dive deep fast. Both can be confusing with pointers in the beginning, and in my opinion other languages can be simpler… For example python. It is of course more about your preference than anything else…
- daMage
Unfair Website….!!!!

Is C++ harder to learn than java?[/quote]
As daMage said earlier, C++ got some low-level stuff that you have to take care of. However, since they are both such big languages, you should be able to solve just about anything by searching Google.Also is javascript the browser version of java or java and javascript are the same thing?
Despite its name, JavaScript and Java has close to nothing to do with each other.
[quote=Wikipedia]JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics
print(", ".join([str(x) for x in range(1,100) if not [y for y in range(2, x) if x%y==0]]))

A good place to start would be Codecademy.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Also, truly learning programming will take years. All of those “learn to program in 10 days” methods can help show you the basics, but really mastering the code and understanding how to write complex applications takes years.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
i found when i took my C++ class in school last year at first it was really complicated but by the end of the year i was one of the top 3 of my class of 15 freshman sophomore’s junior’s and senior’s . I tried to start programming at home but in class we were using i think a 1996 version of… i honestly can’t remember and i was trying to use a 2010 visual basic and i found out there were many differences in the two compilers. my question here is what would be a good book to get ,or website to use, to start learning how to code/compile correctly on VB today
-When something goes wrong just blame me