Wanting to learn/Start a hacking group.

12 years ago


I don’t know much thats why I posted this, this website is great for small hacking skills, but I want to take my hacking skills to the top but I can’t do that with no help, so if any of you out there want to help me just msg and you can teach me, I’m also wanting to form a hacking group, so 1. I can learn a lot faster and 2. so I can help people who needs some hacking to get their old accounts for any website back

11 years ago


why do u need a group work invidually ;) its much easier :)

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


Very true EEEEE! Take college classes or do online certificates AJ. Check into Security + and other resources. Ask yourself what is the point of having a group? All you have to do is go on the IRC (anonops) and you are golden. When you a group, one where members identify themselves in a fashion that can connect them all; your chances of getting caught raise exponentially. Hacking you want to be anonymous, and having any information that leads to you will get you caught. You should google Anonymous Care Package. I’m not telling you to identify yourself with Anonymous, but in the care package is a great PDF file on anonymity, titled “AnonymousSecurityStarterHandbook.”

Learn on your own man, and don’t make yourself dependent on other people. If you seriously require other people to learn you might want to consider another hobby.

11 years ago


Hi @all
I agree with Ski900 & EEEEE (troll :D)
but i also thinking about this what AJHackz explain.
In a Group you learn much easier as if you alone.
For example : You can write Java, JavaScript & somebody in the group can use MySQL (just for example)
and if you now want to learn something about MySQL you can ask him and if he want to learn JavaScript he ask you
what i mean is …. if you (AJHackz) want to “build” or “create” a group just like :

i want to join you know .. i want to learn and to teach.. i mean :D if somebody need my help cuz until now i can only write C#, C++, vb.net & Java i will help him.

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


I see what you’re saying Prometheus. I think though, that group work is great for legal activities. You’re group would be seriously deficient if one person was skilled in an area and not in another. If you are actually hacking, and not just posing as a hacking group, you are setting yourself up to get caught. The past two major busts of Anonymous hackers have been because someone ratted them out. If you think for a moment that someone would be loyal to you when the FBI, or whatever government agency is in your home country, is threatening them with tons of crap, you are wrong. If you do not depend on anyone, keep your anonymity, you will be a lot safer.

Anonymous [KSem]
11 years ago


Guys, you can learn hacking and it is obviusly not easy. Just use the name “Anonymous” because I am the member of anonymous. The good thing is that everyone can be anonymous, who wants. I am anonymous, you are anonymous. We are anonymous! :D
Learn a programming langugage, I can say some programming language to learn that are easy for me and I am using them right now…
- Java
- C++
- Batch (learned it in middle school, super easy stuff)
- VBscript (also, very easy)
If you know these you can be a hacker, and you can read the source code and understand it because it similar to java.
Forgot to say, you need to keep your anonymity, agree w Ski900, use proxies if doing “weird” stuff it doesn’t mean illegal, but I always use proxy servers, and if needed not only proxy, also using my neighbor’s internet to hide my own ip… Sorry for them but they have their internet unlocked :D

Thats all from me, keep up learning!

11 years ago


good idea, so i’ll join you cause me too i need someone who can help me to improve my level ,thanks

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


KSem .. sorry but
please can you repeat it ? - “ your a member of anonymous ?
well i will explain you something :

i dont think that your member
i dont wanna to say you lie but u dont understand how anonymous works
i will explain it into VB ok ?

Public Sub (PUBLIC not private)
If anonymous.work Then
everybody.who.want.to.help join
End If

You know what i mean ? - if you want to work as a anonymous or be a member … than u just help
u CANT be a member of anonymous cuz of this
everybody and nobody is anonymous

And something else
what you need to know if u want to hack is not VB and not batch
first of all if u want to “hack” something u need mac or backtrack

if you want to hack in windows .. go home

u need to know :
JavaServer Pages
Progress Software & much more

u must know how works a computer ( not only that he needs ram and cpu and so on …. details u know)
and a last thing .. proxy server are not safe… if you are the gouverment or a real hacker… u can spy it out and they will find you.

——End :D

now to ski900 :D

iam creating programs for win32 & 64
like registry cleaner or webbrowser
but iam doing right now a keylogger … its not legal .. but also not illegal ;)

i think i want to do something with u… like a nice program or something like this :D


@Prometheus: That’s probably the worst post I have seen in ages.
First of all, drop the attitude. It’s quite obvious your knowledge is limited to breathing sufficiently to survive natural selection.
KSem implied and even explained that he thinks he’s a member of the Anonymous because technically everyone is, exactly what you explained except without shitty code examples that not only make you look like you haven’t seen your 12th summer but also barely pass for pseudocode.

Your operating system has absolutely no influence on your capability to hack. BackTrack is possibly the worst thing to come across the scene with script kiddies and egotistical zeroes using it to no extent. I guess the main point of it boils down to the same look-and-feel you achieve when you change your wallpaper to “H4CK3R” in large green font.
BackTrack includes so much irony it threatens to implode. You’re supposed to be a security expert telling others how to secure their platforms, yet you use an Ubuntu-based operating system where everything runs as root by default. Not to mention all the sqlmap’s and Hydra’s packed into it. Oh yes, you’re so much better than those on Windows using Havij now that you use LINUXZ WID SQLMAEP.

I have no idea where you pulled that list of programming and scripting languages. Out of BackTrack’s documentation? Hah.
You only need to know the languages pertaining to your specific area, for example for web application hacking HTML / JS, PHP and SQL along with specialties such as JSP and ASP are good to know, while AppleScript is useless as fuck.
The same applies to “having to know how a computer works”, knowledge of hardware is rarely a necessity, subject to change depending on what you do of course.

Proxies are safe as long as you know which server you’re routing through, what network it’s hosted on, the country of origin and such. Based on these you can make an educated guess to whether or not it’s safe. For example a privately owned Russian proxy server networked by an ISP with a history of not turning user information over to authorities is relatively safe when hacking non-Russian servers.

I know based on the English in your posts that you will not understand half of the shit I wrote.
But it doesn’t matter, the point comes across, hopefully.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


initialize passes to zero

initialize failures to zero

initialize readers of this crap to one

while readers of this crap counter is less than or equal to * ( *=total amount of unfortunate souls who read this crap)

input the reaction of reader
if the reader knew this guy is full of sh!t
add one to passes

add one to failures
add one to PoS3R counter

print the number of passes

print the number of failures

if eight or more readers passed

print “this guy either needs to stop or stop”

~I’m not bashing ~just an~example of~my first~reaction~

11 years ago


hello to all I am in the group and I’d like to learn a lot with you in the middle of the computer security more precisely in the security database

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


@B3N For loop would have been nice too haha

11 years ago


hahaha i should'a added:
do beat you’re head on something hard
until unable to think

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


Dude, I love this site. But some of the crap that gets posted here is ridiculous. Facebook/Gmail hack requests, wanting to start groups when most likely they are not secure, or wanting to start a group in general (nothing against AJ and this post, but some of the other posts are crazy). The worst is begging for answers though, that bugs the hell out of me. I hate to give the big secret away but the power of Google is amazing lol

11 years ago


I too think the same……too many want, not enough give……but like Pseudonym said and i Quote
“That’s probably the worst post I have seen in ages.”…..just silly to go the extreme it went to to prove nothing……..wanna be pals, help here and there,cool!…all the better but why bash then request be part of a project with or a group AJHackz was interestingly proposing to form…..(insert chuckle here)….

remember google hacks? still use it to the day……

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


haha, remember using geocities or angelfire to build a personal page?

11 years ago


Sorry to get excited but you have reminded me of all the time and effort…..

11 years ago


excuses can you train me a better hacker? :) i need it for some good purposes, hacking a facebook account through html or something software’s, i find others but i can’t understand what i say’s so i try to find this hackthis.co.uk to train me a better hacker XD thank you.

11 years ago


plz plz plz how to hack a facebook campte

David [wazthatme]
11 years ago


Why do you want to hack a Facebook thats such a waste of a hack what do you get from that “Oh I can post on there wall and say there gay hahahahaha” thats stupid hack something like another hacker or find a CTF game no fucking FB

Honey Boo Boo [Ski900]
11 years ago


After all that has been said people are still asking to hack facebook. Really?

Mark [OhB1]
11 years ago


facebook = gui stuck on top of irc - nothing new LOL

11 years ago


Can anyone tell me a good program for gaining ips.

11 years ago


I am a good programmer at c++ but not java I would really like to learn java to :) but the tutorials on internet sucks because I do not really learn anything from it except writing english. I am dutch so


hey ive been dabbling in bits of everything for about 5 years now never learnt a full language just the bits that i thought were important but for about two years ive been wondering if its worth learning all the linux codes and switching to ubuntu any ideas?

11 years ago


@SkyRamon Yer? Show me 1 correct line ;)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


[quote=Pseudonym]The same applies to “having to know how a computer works”, knowledge of hardware is rarely a necessity, subject to change depending on what you do of course.[/quote]
I agree that low level knowledge is rarely needed, but still I wouldn’t call anyone a hacker if he didn’t understand the basics of how things roll. Sure, you could break - or hack, if you prefer - some sites if you knew how to inject PHP code, but I wouldn’t call you a hacker, just because you can do one thing. It probably is just my own fucked-up thinking, but I guess I’m just an oldfag, who has seen different days…

In a sense web application hacking has grown more important within the last years… Nowadays a XSS on a really popular web site can be more important discovery than a kernel exploit which will allow local privilege escalation.

I don’t know if my ramblings make any sense here… just thought to give my 2 cents

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