What should be the number of characters in the audio file? Does the smileys should be included?
Yes the smiles are included [/spoiler] [spoiler]Read older threads and you’ll know which numeric system is it…
yeh I know what numeric system are the
lines and the dots
but i’m not sure about the smileys
If you found the correct numeric system then you know what those smiley characters are…
it should be 0 (if i’m correct) but for some reason it doesn’t work///
I’m gonna try this level and I post later to see if the level is broken…
tnx :D
It is working, and I think I know what is your mistake. PM me with your answer
@shaiws: What made you think that you were decoding right? What if it was wrong?
@shaiws I haven’t solved the level yet but I think the smiles are word ending. my guess
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