So.. is there a hidden question?
If you are stuck then you should read the other posts and take a look at the BM 6 at the beginning of the file.
LOL :) i think he wanted to write in other language but in fact it became >FFFFFFFFFFFF $FFFFFFFFFFFF $FFFFFFFFFFFF $FFFFFFFFFFFF $$$ 5$ $ $$ 5 $$ 5 $ $ $$$ _ $ _ $$ $$ 5 FFFFFFFFFFFF $$$ $ _ $$ 5 $$ 5 $ $ $$ _ $ _ $$ $$ 5 FFFFFFFFFFFF $$$ 5$ 5 $$ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $$ $$ _ $ _ $ $ _ $ $ FFFFFFFFFFFF $$$ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $$ $ _ $ 5$ 5 $ FFFFFFFFFFFF $$$ $$ _ 5$ 5$ $ $$ $ _ $ _5$

“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”

Need help with math homework? Hit me up! I can help out with integral calculus and below.

try opening the file with the software we use almost in our daily lifes, PM me if u got no idea what i am talking about
IsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIsIs toIs it stealing if it already is stolen?
khwaja, I began with Main Level 1, and continued in sequence. This way you get as stepwise increase in methods. Learn by doing!
I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.

When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
I think he’s saying that the key to what the original file type is in the txt document (“language”).

Just a few things to keep in mind: it isn’t actually read by the computer, it’s just for you to learn more about conversion. With that said you need to do something that makes no logical sense as it is external from the server. You need to take a close look at the file you can download as it gives you a hint in the beginning (remember, google is your friend, or at least as long as it doesn’t sell any info about you to companies), you can read the hint without any conversion but you’ll need to convert the file (I really mean the file and not the data that’s inside it) for the actual password and username. Try googling for how to use extensions (stuff like .doc .txt .exe etc.) as well. Good luck, you’ll find it out sooner or later, don’t worry. Also, you can use the same technique as they used to make this file to store other data although it might lose some data during the conversion so don’t rely on that, for this you’ll have to convert like [some file type] —> .txt rather than .txt —> [some file type], the latter you’ll need to do for this level.
Again, good luck

alienor500, your English is fine. The extension .txt says this file is a text file. So whatever text editor/word processor you use will display text. Look at the first few character inside the file and Google them. Then change extension appropriately.
I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.

I’d rather see folks doubt what’s true than accept what isn’t.

all is in the extension
@nath500 Please edit your post. It contains the answer of this level.
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
well i have run the file through a hex editor, i have tried using every variation of the correct extension i can possibly think of, i have tried converting the file and checked many online resources, yet i get only error messages. i truly believe, after many hours of labor, that the txt doc named ‘b1’ is in fact corrupt and that this puzzle cannot be solved.
Hahahah, finally got it :)
Open the file using a text editor and see what is written at start :)
google that word/phrase and see what it means (spoiler 1 if you’re confused) >> Not the guitar part, I was confused too
Now try tweaking with the file extension and
BTW your browser knows to open thousands of extensions.
Hope it helps

Seblm01, please edit your post (or one of the admins will). Giving away answer to other users is not fair. We’re all here for a challenge, not for the answers.
i have found the part of the file that is reffered to, and i understand what it means and the file format the img is meant to be viewed in. however the document is corrupt no matter how i reformat it. i have tried manually adjusting the extension, i have tried converting it to the correct format using file converters. nothing works and i still believe this puzzle to be broken or somehow incompatible with my system/windows/etc.

Hello, i would be glad to help you with a hint or so to get you going in the right direction, however i will not give you any spoilers. The best way to learn is by doing. Anyways there is a hint in the very first line. Google helps with everything! If you would like further help please private message me so i can talk to you without spoiling anything for others.