I need a hacking mentor?

Hey guys, my name is Ivan and im new to hacking and coding in general. All my life I have been interested in coding and I recently started learning Python and JavaScript. I had some issues and when onto google to look for answers, and looking through pages I saw something called SQL injection, reading into it I found it was hacking. Wich I had never found to interesting, but after reading the article I went onto YouTube and looked up hacking and saw a lot of videos about Anonnymous. After about 30 mins videos I got very interested into hacking, and I would love for someone to show me the ropes of it and help me out. I really just want to learn it for the sport and not actually go and crack into my school website “wink'‘.
If you know alteast a little but about hacking and SQL injection please help me.
My skype: savagebeard23]
or just respond down below :)
Thanks for reading this,

this is’t a class room, the way HT works is you try a mission you fail and try again . Its not easy but start with 1 one look at the hints and then move on. Start at main before venturing on to SQL injections as common website knowledge helps a lot. People here are happy to help but will not make life easy for you by giving you a “cheat sheet”

@Russian - You can definitely get help on here. As far as taking on a mentor, I doubt that would happen unless you pay for it, or that person just won the lotto and is feeling skippy. If you are new to this, I wouldn’t start off with Python, I would take a step back and start with Java, or C#. Learn the basics and then move on. As far as SQL injections go, try out the levels SQLi 1 & 2 on here. They are not going to make a master at SQL, however, they will get your feet wet (plus they are a lot of fun)!
You sound like you are on the right path to learning. If you have a question about loops, or arrays, and how they work (just an example), post your question in the forums and someone will help you out :)
And last but not least, I highly doubt anyone would use your Skype against you in a malicious manner on HT, however, I would refrain from giving that information out :) If you have any questions, let me know!
Need help with math homework? Hit me up! I can help out with integral calculus and below.

Need help with math homework? Hit me up! I can help out with integral calculus and below.

hey i’m looking for a mentor who teaches me how to report server, pages, wifi networks … heck if interested in the following mail: ahdato601@gmail.com

Yea i agree with SilentKiller44 . To start, you need some basic fundamental skills and udemy coureses are very usefull , there are more page like udemy where you can take “Hacker course”. Also i have to say when you are starting there are lots of things you need to learn which are “NON-hacking” (networking , working with linux, programming …) and you should also learn them
*Goodbye mission control, thanks for trying*
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