Hacking the Hacker
In a world where everyone one is a hacker how do you protect yourself from being the victim?
What techniques do you guys use to protect yourselves? I’m not paranoid enough to watch every packet coming from or going to the internet but there must be some basic practises we should follow.
I read information like using TOR can protect you and I also read information the states TOR has been hacked! what should you beleive?
Are we truely safe on the internet? NO is the short answer but I’m an internet addict and im guessing you are too?
How to keep safe on the internet? don’t hack at all??? nahhh.
just wanting to start a conversation BTW hoping someone else who isn’t a script kiddy like me and can help out!
For a normal user my advice is:
1. Making sure, you use HTTPS where applicable. There are browser plugins to do that.
2. Avoid public WiFi hotspots.
3.Change your password on regular basis.
4. Good Antivirus
5. Personal firewall
6. Learn to use encryption on confidential information.
7. Too much to really list, but most importantly, trust your instincts.
Thanks Souley! Thats exactallcy what I want to get a list of!
- dont use public wifi!
I think we all need to create a basic list of stupid stuff we should not do, like the ten commandments but maybe not just 10.
- thou shalt not use public wifi with out using and encrypted vpn tunnel
- thou shalt not use “password” as your password. (and people do)
one i would like to use for security even if its unpractical is thou shalt not use wifi! (its so insecure when everyone can listen)
I would say learn how stuff works and protect your self and if you do get hacked can you bounce back and fix anything that happens also have a few emails like a youtube and facebook one you use for fun and then one for school or banking or work that you dont use ever but for work dont use the same password for every thing if you use 1 for FB use 2 for YT and 3 for email also i have a counter attack for anyone who trys to get pass a firewall in a odd and unreguler fashion it well send an attack back to sender and fetch me the info from that box or what have you with IP location and sometimes the pc name so a lot of info to return a hack back and most times but him/her out of order I use that a lot in free for all kill matches with friends and it gives me a list of people attacking me but yea anyway just learn how people can get in to your system and block some of them off like playing a FPS game if you can bottle neck the enemy its like shooting fish in a bucket
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