Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !
12 years ago
Top posting spoilers. What is it with you lot? Thought you were here to learn not just cheat???
12 years ago
Hinter or spoiler. Please don’t as spoilers
“People who doesn’t work hard doesn’t have the right to be envious of the people with talent. People fail because they don’t understand the hard work necessary to be successful.”
hey guys hi i am a beginner and I do not understand anything to this site then you can help me in level 1
12 years ago
youssefusa123 You’ve done main 1 2 3 4 & 5 So you will just have to put the same actions to complete all the other levels. A good place to start is read everything you can in all the forum topics. From there you will find the help you say you need. Your first post is asking for help. The only time you really need help is when you have tried your best to pass a level but not made it. Just coming on and asking for help without really trying is just a waste of time, for you and us. Try harder and you will feel so much better completing the level by yourself. Then you can say, “I did it!” but if you ask for help someone else did for you.

You need to have at least a basic understanding of HTML, (HyperText Markup Language,) to even begin trying to hack online.
I learned from w3schools: http://www.w3schools.com/
If you are still impatient, then for the first few levels, I would suggest you use Firefox or Google Chrome. you can look at the source code of the page by hitting f12 in Google Chrome, or ctrl + U in Firefox.
Good luck script kiddies.

if you have good knowledge of HTML you should have no problem with level 1
in the code you should be able to find login details ;)
All you have to right click and press view page source and then look for the username and password

When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.

Okay so I am a beginner and I am interested in learning ? however I am finding it quite difficult to get through the FIRST level-_- if anybody is willing to help me please say so and please no hate on the fact that I’m asking for help cuz I just want to learn and once I understand the basic idea I can move on from there. Thank you :-)

On all levels first you need to check source ( CTRL + U - Google Chrome ), than you need to search the username and password in the list. To don’t scroll up/down you can do CTRL+F and type the thing you are searching. For example I’m searching for word “ CAR ” and I’ll type the word CAR. It will transfer to word CAR. You need to search for the username and password. If you still got problems PM me …

As Gusar said:
Look in the source (CTRL + U) and search for what your looking for (CTRL + F).
Another hint for the first level…
You may want to read the

@windsurf4: You watched the videos and couldn’t find the code. Well, someone should learn basic HTML.

wow freewind!! im sorry we cant all be a computer genius such as you, but im new to this and what i meant was the video talks about the answers being in lines 295 and 284 which on the video they are but when i open the source page it was not the same as the video and they weren’t there.
So don’t be such a stuck up prick and drop the fucking attitude.

@windsurf4: Sorry for my misunderstanding attitute if you found it offensive. I believe this site is here to introduce a lot of security problems and to spread out knowledge. It’s not a treasure hunt requiring someone to find “passwords”. So, what you did (watching videos to find passwords) won’t help you to move any further.
You SHOULD learn. The first is HTML.
well here we are again. it never changes on here. i know this might upset some members but if you cant do main level 1 withouh help you have picked the wrong hobby. no person with an ounce of the grey matter should need any help on this level..

oh my god all i’m saying is the video tutorial is wrong. i wasn’t stuck but i watched the video to see how they did it and it was wrong!!!!
im learning html at the moment so i am new to this, all i’m saying is the video is wrong, so to all you think your better than anyone else hackers out there….. chill!!
i may have no grey matter when it comes to this sort of thing, but i own and run a bar school, i teach people how to make cocktails and how to be a bar tender, we also do hen parties so i teach 40 women every Saturday how to make cocktails and get them very very pissed.
Have you ever even seen a women in real life, let alone interacted with one?
i may have my faults, but i guarantee you do too, so drop the attitude!!!!!
11 years ago
Hi windsurf4 don’t know what video you were watching to try and complete this level and I don’t mean to sound pedantic but if you need help one main level 1 why are you being such a rude person.. You have to understand that we get hundreds of requests on how to complete a level and you have not even tried to do the level by yourself. You needed to watch a video. So what sort of response or respect do you expect to get on here saying that the video on how to do the level is wrong.
You mention have we ever seen a woman in real life? We’ll in my case I am married to one. I have also brought up a Daughter and a Son so I think you are the one with the attitude. There is no need for it. You say you are learning HTML we good as that is the best way to start .. If you had took the time to read the levels source code you would have found the correct answer by yourself very easy. On any task in (this so-called-hacking) this website the best place to start is to view the source code..
You also mention, in not so many words that we are better than anyone else at hacking? We’ll if you check out my position on the points board I am up there with the top ten but that’s no big deal as doing the levels and tasks on here is not about being the best. It is about learning and furthering you knowledge in website security. It is about using you brain to work out the task before you. It is about thinking out of the box. To get anywhere in life is always hard work because if it was easy you would learn nothing worth while.
You are on about you own and run a bar school where you teach people to make cocktails and the ilk. We’ll maybe you should stick to bar tending. You say you are good at that. We’ll great but let’s have it right making cocktails is no way near as complex as computing. I run my own company too but we specialise in computer repairs, computer networking, creating websites. Using programming languages like: HTML, PHP, C and others too. I have a Btech Nat Diploma in Computer studies, a HND in Computer Science, a teaching certificate which I needed when I used to teach computing..
But saying all that, there are better members on here at hacking than I am. They are mostly all much younger than I am so it is a walk in the park for them to learn the latest and newest skills needed for real hacking.
Right, I have gone on long enough here so I will finish by saying learn to hack and hack to learn. There is hundreds of websites out there who teach you all about computer programming and web security. So madam, I think you should try to complete the levels yourself and use your brain, ( yes remember that grey matter) to work out the task ahead. If you get stuck and need help. Don’t come on saying the video you watched is wrong. We don’t care. But if you really want to learn ask correctly and you will be surprised hoe willing the guys on here are willing to help someone who has at least tried to do the level themselves.
Happy hacking :)

Cmon @windsurf4 stop being lazy and work out some shit !!!
This level is a stupid ass level. A 8 year old could do it !!
And if you still cant then you dont belong here !! x)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

@windsurf4: Fine, let’s put those things behind. Just make something clear: HackThis!! didn’t make any official video to show/spoil the answer. You can blame anyone who made that video because of their wrong instruction. :p

Damn, some hot-heads over here…take it easy, people. Holidays are coming, be a bit more cheerful. Less violent.
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

Frankly no one is a HotHead here just trying to put people on a right path !!!
And anyways Merry Xmas :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D