Main Level 10 Please help

Intro 12

Tyvon [AgentT01]
11 years ago


Ok so i cant figure out how to do it i try level10pass.html in the browser but i got error code 404 but i don’t know whats it encrypted with any hints? Thanks.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


It’s [Removed]

EDIT : Sry^^

11 years ago


Please stop posting answers, try giving hints instead. Can someone remove the post above please? Tnx!

Tyvon [AgentT01]
11 years ago


GG84 Its ok i wasnt on to see it and hopefully no one else saw it besides 0xDC

[deleted user]
11 years ago


AgentT01 the reason you were getting an error was because you were trying to use it in the wrong directory.
Think about it again! :)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


guys , i din’t find any kind of html file in the source code nor in the inspect element …. what i am seeing is level10pass.txt
i dont know what to do this time …. guys anyone can explain it to me ?
help guys help me!!!!


Recall to the main level 7, I think it will help you :)

11 years ago


vna220792 , thanks for such a clue but I have tried that and it show error 404 …. help !!!!

[deleted user]
11 years ago


This level looks like the level 4 ;)


[quote=Shadow-Walker]vna220792 , thanks for such a clue but I have tried that and it show error 404 …. help !!!![/quote]
That means you’ve not found the right path. Let’s try all possible alternatives.

Where the password file in main level 7 located?

[deleted user]
11 years ago


i got same issue as Shadow-Walker , idk what to do with “level10pass.txt” …. i mean where to use it ? any hints please ?


@shiruken: The hints from @fkpuzat and @vna220792 are very good. Think about them carefully and you will see the answer. :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


finally found it ! and to decrypt the username / password just ask google :D
it’s looks so easy when u find the answer …


Everything seems to be easier when you try hard.


Do some research and learn your algorithms. The level shouldn’t take more than a minute

10 years ago


wow @ fkpuzat la conjecture de Collazt c'est un truc de malade. Mon cerveau est partit en infinite loop ;)

Daequan [Dvenner22]
10 years ago


Hello nice to see you

10 years ago


Think MD5 Hash… google is your friend

10 years ago


Sometimes I could go for some extras after beating a few levels.

//hint hint

10 years ago


et je parle fr moi mdr french

10 years ago


first get your directory correct and then u need to decrypt the encryted info ,think . this would’ve been much easier if u would have been onto website security and stuff . they used it to encrypt password :) enough hints , now think !!

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


ok, so I saw the .txt file and knew where to put it immediately because of the previous levels, but it made me wonder, “How would I find this out if I hadn’t already seen the directory previously?” I’ve googled, I’ve checked the forum (not saying I didn’t just miss it), I’ve youtubed, but everyone seems to come to the answer the same way I did. (Which is, “I remember this directory from before.”) Can someone please point me in the right direction for reading up on this? Don’t need the answer, I’ve got that under control. Just the “how it’s SUPPOSED to be done.”

Edit: Sorry to rez a dead thread. I didn’t think anything about it being dead before I posted.

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


@Vulpine.archer - Sometimes a site is predictable about where it places things. On my own challenge site I have an area where i keep images and scripts which dont belong directly to the challenge and this location never changes.
You can visit a challenge like Intermediate 3 here and take a look at where the um… other non-challenge elements of the page come from, and the directory will be familiar.

It’s just basic recon, albeit active recon. If you didn’t have a clue then a spider or crawler would find the directory for you. As it happens, that is not needed here due to this prior knowledge and observation when looking around the site and the location of some challenge images, scripts, and files.

Hope that helps.

10 years ago


Thank you! :) (goes off to google what a spider is)

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