If I'm not editing the real source code, why do...

Intro 9

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


It was using the value in the form to validate the entered email address against the valid one. In a real system you would hope this was stored on the server so that it could not be edited. But in this example the developer decided it would be a good idea to store it in the HTML … a bad idea.

J [ColdIV]
12 years ago


You can also use a html file from your desktop to send data to a website. But it won’t harm the server (in normal use)
When you ‘edit’ the page you it won’t be saved it’s just during runtime so you can’t shut a website down doing that you just can edit the script to test something. you could also copy the whole source to a html file on your desktop and edit it there it’s just an easy way.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
12 years ago


As ColdIV said when you change the code in the browser it only changes it locally. This has the same affect as saving the source code into a file on your machine, editing it and opening that in the browser.


if you are using chrome , it might give you the answer directly

12 years ago


please ,where exactly is the code that validate the entered email address against the valid one ?


just use chrome and inspect element in the email box :) that might help you

12 years ago


U can use firefox, too:)


if you use firefox , you need to install firebug i think . so to make it easier just use chrome

11 years ago


I sent the email right what shall I do next

11 years ago


this wouldnt work in any website … what we gonna learn from this level ? as hackers not developpers

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@Kunai: The lesson is that you can manipulate the HTML form and its value(s). It can be a big surprise sometimes.

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