HackThis is >10 years old!!

January 10th is considered the official birth of hackthis ?. It was on this day 10 years ago that our domain name was registered.
To mark this milestone here are some hastily gathered and wildly inaccurate stats.
Some quick stats
30,000,000+ page views
509,666 registered users
2,287,937 levels completed
52,446 forum posts
165,464 medals awarded
Most persistent (concurrent logins)
@Mart 1261
@Memoria 775 days
@doskop 715 days
@bolofecal 698 days
@Mr_KaLiMaN 659 days
Who has been around the longest?
@flabbyrabbit 10 years
@daMage 9.4 years
@Rex_Mundi 9.1 years
@verath 9.0 years
@dalfor 8.5 years
For those of you who haven’t been around that long, here are a few screenshots from years gone by.
Logo, 2008 - full size
Site design, 2009 - radical change cof colour from brown to red - full size
Site design, 2010 - finally the familiar green - full size
Site design, 2018 - for prosperity - full size
The best and worst of the forum
@dloser 288 karma
@dfalcon -55 karma
There have been visitors from almost every country in the world. The top 5:
United Kingdom 48%
United States 22%
France 9%
India 2%
Canada 2%
Personally it has been an excellent experience, so thank you everyone for continuing to show interest and keeping this project alive!

Wow, what a radical change in in the design of 2009. The current design is very accurate and intuitive.
10 years is something that you say faster but it has a big meaning.

Congrats everybody ! Happy birthday <3
Don’t forget to : https://web.archive.org/
Message me anytime!

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

Happy birthday Hackthis!! :)
I’m so happy to hear that this wonderful site has been prospering over the years (and hopefully many more to come). ;)
There’s no place like

Happy birthday! Special congratulations to @flabbyrabbit who managed to build this and keep it in development and special thanks to everyone contributing to the project, it’s a magical experience (and one of the best communities I’ve seen)!

Sorry for being a bit late for the celebration, but happy birthday HackThis!! and thanks @flabbyrabbit for all your work :)

Yeah, thanks @flabbyrabbit for a wonderful experience, and happy birthday HackThis!!!

sorry for being late but happy birthday HackThis!!!
HT made me what I’m Today
and thx a lot @flabbyrabbit for giving us a platform to learn and share our knowledge

we both (me n @gala) together started it from HT.
Great challenges, great community, great peeps
Thank for teaching us so much :D
Nerd? Yup![/Spoiler]
<!- Hacker? Maybe!
[Spoiler]Hotel? Trivago! -!>

print(", ".join([str(x) for x in range(1,100) if not [y for y in range(2, x) if x%y==0]]))

How? It’s pretty easy, just read some of their post
Fortunately, I deleted a lot of their messages, otherwise they would’ve been at -100 :)
We should do a #top1 of bad karma!
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1

@Mugiwara27 Bad idea, we shouldn’t reward bad behavior, this would become a game for some :p

No reward for bad karma, just a #top1 of them, and let’s hope nobody try to start this game, because I’m done with the extra moderating work :(
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\’‘ at line 1
Uhh, I wish I had more time, then I could spend some more time here too :)
Anyhow: Great work with the site flabbyrabbit
- daMage

[quote=flabbyrabbit]HackThis!! is due to be terminated on 5th November…[/quote]
Oh my… so my brand new HT!! t-shirt seems to already be outdated :s

[quote=flabbyrabbit]Maybe you’ll all be sent a new one <3 [/quote]
Ok, that rocks!! I can’t wait wait for the new site now :D

Damn maybe being the last HackThis member to reach 1k posts before the Update is exciting :p
(wink @dimooz only 70 left)
Message me anytime!

@flabbyrabbit A new shirt?? You would be a saint! <3
[s]and is there a repository for the Defend the Web code? I’d love to find the first bug ;P[/s]
Ahh nevermind, after some reconnaissance, I now know that it is hidden and that the site is coming soon!
There’s no place like

That new site design is really cool! congratulations to @flabbyrabbit! Denfendtheweb.net is awesome… :D

Congratulation on the launch of the new site. It takes some getting used to, but looks awesome. Let’s make it grat for another ten years
I break stuff….. a lot

Message me anytime!