Introducing Defend the Web

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


HackThis!! has been a long term personal project for > 10 years but it has been neglected for far too long! The only solution was to start again (as all good developers think) and here we are … introducing Defend the Web a reincarnation.


All data from the old site should have been migrated across. There are bound to be some oddities arising such as character encoding and most notably the change from BBCode to Markdown. Please check your profile and forum signatures to make sure they still look as intended. Any major problems please let us know ?

Help pages

We could do with some help to fill the help pages with content which aims to be the central repository of site knowledge that we can point new and lost users towards. Send me a pm and we’ll get it fleshed out.


Chat is currently offline, I am working on fixing it now


The way moderation works has changed to include more people. As you earn reputation more moderation options will be available mainly around discussions. Again this is still a work in progress but if you’re lucky enough to have unlocked this privileges keep an eye on the moderation queues and help us keep DtW clean, friendly and free of spam.

There are a lot of changes, additions and some omissions but we will try and fill in the blanks as we go. Again let us know if there is anything you feel is missing or incorrect.

Any questions, comments, feedback, concerns, rebuttals, assessments, criticisms or even praise post below and lets make DtW as awesome as HT!! was.

RIP HT!! 2008 - 2019

Pawda [Memoria]
5 years ago


Contratulations on the release @flabbyrabbit !
A new adventure is starting, welcome to all the new heads ~

I was wondering why I had a mod icon, makes sense now…

5 years ago


Nice one @flabbyrabbit !

Site looks great!

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Congratulations ! What an update looks clean and easy to use.

The new interfaces is way easier and faster nice job.

Maybe the medal list is too big and unclear, sorting list should help too.

How can we contribute to the website? :)

(Damn that reply button next to post reply already trapped me 2 times)

(Also why is this thread not listed in hot discussions?)

Edit: Since the moderation change an explanation of the privileges would be greatly welcome, what can users do at what level :) i.e:

Edit2: Old members, convert your articles from BB code to Markdown (very easy), and now you can change the status of your post as answered and mark a message as the answer (Which is amazing).

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
5 years ago


Hack This is Dead!
Long Live Defend the Web!

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago


Wow, what amazing news!
I haven’t been very active for some time, so receiving email notifications entitled Defend the Web was huge and pleasant surprise!
Thanks you very much @flabbyrabbit for the amazing work, I can’t wait to get some time off to discover this new site.


Congratulations !
Site looks great!

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Well done mate :) more to play

SIGKILL [r4v463]
5 years ago


Hi all, it’s been quite a while!!

Thanks @flabbyrabbit I cannot imagine the time it took you to build this new website and to perform the migration. Well done!!

HackThis!! lived for 11 years, I can only hope that Defend the Web will live at least as long!

Plus, happy 5th of November to everyone!

PS: watch yourselves guys, I can now moderate /p>

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


Beautiful work!!
I still don’t get how I can get the patrol medal as I don’t flag post because I delete them right off the bat :p

But beautiful work, so nice to have new levels tho!

5 years ago


Wow! This is reincarnation is Clean and just more aesthetic. Looks great and Congratulations!

f0rk [HackingGuy]
5 years ago


Absolutely amazing! I love the new format for challenges!

Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


@Mugiwara27 Actually with all the moderators this will be hard to get :p

Specially for us who are moderators :(

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
5 years ago


Good spot on the patrol medal … will have to think of the best way to award this

SIGKILL [r4v463]
5 years ago


We can put ourselves together, while the first one spams, the second one reports and the third one deletes.


Darwin [DIDIx13]
5 years ago


Agreed, I reported your post @r4v463, waiting for a moderator to delete it(joking)

5 years ago


Congrats!! Looks awesome and very clean. Thank you so much for all your hard work to make HT!! and now DtW an amazing place :)


@flabbyrabbit ! Dude this site rocks! I’ve gotta explore this, but I really like what I see :) While you have taken a break or two, we all appreciate your continued dedication to this site.


Oh wow that’s a big change. HackThis!!, your facelift looks great. :D
Good job! Please make a dark theme though, this is burning my eyes.

And I think the moderator part might need some more tuning/explanation, it’s a bit weird being a moderator without having interacted with people around here haha.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
5 years ago


Click on “black hat” at the bottom of the sidebar ;)


Oh thanks, it was hidden behind an addon I have haha. Then I have nothing to say, pure upgrade! :D

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
5 years ago


Thanks @Sk8erOfBodom and everyone else for all the positive feedback ?

Yeah the moderation section needs some work especially around onboarding and there is learning to be done on who should and shouldn’t get access.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
5 years ago


Rule N1: In case of doubt, delete all the messages ;)

It would be great to store the choice of the theme in cookies. For now, it seems to be stored in session variables, right?


Seems like it is stored on the server, there is a POST request sent to the API server when you click on the button. :)
(I just looked at the JS source, this is what this website is about right?)

5 years ago


Great to see it up and rolling.

I’ll dedicate more time to help improve the platform.

Ricky [V0xel94]
5 years ago


Well done guys! It looks great :)

5 years ago


Well Done!!

5 years ago


Still trying to get used to the new interface.
RIP HackThis?
Long Live DefendTheWeb ??

5 years ago


I just found out about the site and joined, seems cool enough, for now atleast. Don’t know how the old site used to look but this one is fine :D

5 years ago


nice site !

5 years ago


I am super excited about this site. I have always wanted to hack without getting in trouble, and this is so fun. I have never hacked before until a few days ago and been hammering at it. Got the sql2i complete and about jumped out of my pants. Thanks for offering this wonderful playground.

J [ColdIV]
5 years ago


Ah now I get why I am a moderator.
Site looks great but I’m having some trouble reading the font on the light design… Which is no problem because I switched to the dark one.

New challenges look nice as well.

2 replies have been removed


Very excited to be here!!

4 years ago


Welcome to the new site and members ^^
And RIP hackthis (as I might have forgot to tell it before)

4 years ago


Hi all. I am a brand new member, quite excited at getting stuck into the resources here. Thanks very much for all your hard work.


I wasn’t here for a while and its awsome to come back and see the rebranding

4 years ago


Nice work, site looks and functions beautifully.

4 years ago


This site is awesome! I’m halfway through the challenges so far and learning a ton in the process.

Irby [Absolute07]
3 years ago


Here fo the todo completion. Super excited to learn!

3 years ago


how can get start?

3 years ago


How can start i am a Beginner Level know abou Linux,html,and kali


@TestDummy oops, i voted to delete this message by mistake.

3 years ago


Don’t worry, I just solved the problem. There has been a lot of spam lately so I understand why you ckilcked fast, just try to checked it well next time ;)

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