New version bug reports

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


This is a holding thread for all bug reports relating to the release of the new version.

Either post bugs here or directly to the GitHub issue tracker -

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Love ya’ll <3

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Bug #1: Left sidebar in inbox full view can’t be scrolled so long conversation lists go off the bottom

11 years ago


When i tried to log in a minute ago i got this error
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)
One more thing, the log in page says “ This website users cookies.”

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago


The server had some scalability issues, but this should be resolved now.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Spelling mistake fixed in cookie header :) thank you @Pinkponyprincess

Reply has been removed
11 years ago


Intermediate level 5 : The log output while be displayed below.
When i Try to log in at level 5 the Attempts doesn’t increment and no log file is displayed (if i understood that correctly ?).

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@Pinkponyprincess I have fixed the problem with Int 5 :)

11 years ago


Thank you flabbyrabbit , I dont mean to be a bitch lol, but the typo is still there “The log output while be displayed below”

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


There you go :)

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


My confirmation mail has been send to two e-mails (mine and an email I don’t know)
Should that be like it? I doubt it

Edit: The second e-mail seems to be from Green_Apple, I can see the e-mail he received if I view the source code of the mail.

11 years ago


not able to logout

11 years ago


Hello everyone,
(I write with google translation, because I’m french, short)

if you have the problem,

I’m at level 2 + Basic, I am with google chrome is displayed if you at the end of loading

<div class="msg msg-error"> <i class="icon-error"></i> User agent not accepted, only secure_user_agent allowed </div>

with firefox

<div class="msg msg-error"> <i class="icon-error"></i> User agent not accepted, only secure_user_agent allowed </div>

Someone could give me a solution

Peter [verath]
11 years ago


@FuturNuno, have a look over at the Basic+ Level 2 forum. This thread seems to be the most current one.

This thread is for feedback about the new version of the website. :)

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


The userbar didn’t work well when using it as the signature in any forum. It took forever to load the image. Not sure if I should download and re-upload the image or just use the shortcode below.

11 years ago


I noticed that too freewind1012, I in the end downloaded it and then uploaded it to my web server. Possibly Hotlink protection is on?

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


The verification email addres doent send me an email addres(or I dont know where it is being sent to).i dont know to what email it is being sent to

11 years ago


When I verified my email yesterday it took about 10mins to come through :) When did you send it? Have you checked your spam folder

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@stefanking56 You can check what email your account is set to in settings

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@freewind1012 it appears that the leading www. is important for those images so I have added that back in on the settings page. Hopefully that will fix the problem. So using this should work:

11 years ago


I didn’t even think to try that lol I can confirm it now works :D

Peter [verath]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago

2 (as in the category view) says this thread has 3 pages, but the thread only has 2. I probably ruined it now by posting this post though.

Edit: yes, now they both say there are 3. It was off by one before this post, I promise!

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Not sure if I just can’t find it but it looks like there is no option to change your website on your profile?

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago


@verath I can verify you on that, you’re not going crazy.

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I think that you can add yourself as a friend.I clicked add friend on my profile page and got a notification that i’m friends with me :D ahahah.and if you look at my friends on my profile you can see that i have myself as a friend

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


@stefanking56 that’s not a bug, it’s known and was kept because everyone kind of liked it :)

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


lolllllll.since when was that??i am here for 6 months and i havent heard abot it

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


got logged out couple of time doing the mid 5 mission, and once while just browsing around ….
im sure its not session timeout from my side.
will post again if that/when that happens to me again.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I’ve been getting this problem too. Sometimes when the page is refreshed it shows that I am logged in and sometimes when I open a link a tab probably a level of a forum thread it shows the login page.

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


hmmm…. flabby this is really smart move… the logout thingy that happens …. im guessing you are checking the session and the ip address, in case of an ip change the session is void :). no cookie stealer will work now :) and disregard the post about it being a bug!

Peter [verath]
11 years ago


@ADIGA, That is indeed what happens. Implementation can be found at class.user.php#24. :)

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Currently using firefox, browser stops responding, some times all the pc. not really sure if its from my os, but in general i do not face that while browsing other sites.

[deleted user]
11 years ago



I am using Firefox too at home and in office to access HT!! but have not experienced this issue. Firefox Version 25.
OS: Ubuntu & Windows XP

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


and just as i gave a chance for windows …..
formatted twice in the last 2 days, once with a 32bit windows 7 and the other is with a 64bit one….

and now its screwed up!

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Yeah windows really sucks. I have to use it in the office cause of MS Outlook.

11 years ago


Is there gonna be the old “View thread/article” before submission or title alternation after a posted thread/topic?

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Image in doesn’t load/exist
Gives a 404 error ;)

@Keeper not sure if I understood you right, but if with “View thread/article” you mean the preview function - that does still exist. It’s the small eye on the upper right of the textarea. Sorry if I didn’t get it right ;)

Edit: Real Level 1 doesn’t seem to work as it should. Take a look at the link provided there ;):*

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


ColdIV i had no problem loading that link.It took me to FAQ

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


@stefanking56 I was talking about the Image on it which is in the code block under it.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


There are some reports about bugs in these levels:
- Basic+ Level 3: Can not use tool (you know that) to send post data. The another way still works well.
- JavaScript Level 5: The script is more difficult to find and to read than it used to be.
- As @ColdIV mentioned above, the link provided in Real Level 1 is the REAL link. Hence, 404 error.

11 years ago


[quote=author]Keeper not sure if I understood you right, but if with “View thread/article” you mean the preview function - that does still exist. It’s the small eye on the upper right of the textarea. Sorry if I didn’t get it right

Oh, my bad. I didn’t see that icon before. Yeah that’s what I meant. Thanks for clarifying.

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


This is not a bug, but a point to talk about.
The times for the msgs and the updates, forum posts and what ever are set in the database with server time, but when displayed it uses computer time, me being in another time area, its much confusing for me!
everything seems to be 12 hours behind :( “12 hours ago”

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


“Post submitted” message when clicking on a link with “&submitted” or “?submitted” at the end.
Maybe check if there indeed is something being posted to the website and not just if the GET-Parameter is there?


Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@ColdIV I have uploaded the image in the FAQ fixing that error. Also redirecting a user to a new page on a successful submission solves a number of annoying problems very simply. However I can see the confusion when that link is then shared to another user. I don’t see a real problem with this but I will have a think about it.

@ADIGA that isn’t meant to be happening. The site should use javascript to change the times to match your systems timezone. I didn’t do much testing but the bits I did indicated that it worked perfectly. I will have a look into it and see if I can sort it out.

@freewind1012 The link in Real 1 has been fixed. The obscurity of the code in JS5 is appropriate considering it is the last of the currest Javascript levels. As for Basic+ 3 it should be working as before.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


How about a general rule to cease famous websites' hacking requests (one of those spammers that require Facebook/Instagram accounts etc)? That’d pretty much rule out most of the trash posts wandering around the forum. Say there was a warning system of some sort. Once a member gets a certain number of warnings issued, he could be restricted from posting, for instance. There are a lot of variations associated with this possible new rule.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I’m not sure it’s a bug but I read somewhere that posts with -3 karma or less should be hidden. Here is an exemple with the comment of tanish but not hidden.
Am I wrong?

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


I think that there is a bug with the karma.on one post i clicked the up button and it increased the karma by one,the next time I clicked it it increased the karma agin,the next time i clicked it it decreased the kaarma by one.has this happened to anyone else.

2 replies have been removed
Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@stefanking56: I confirm your doubt. I have just tested with your post. Karma randomly increased from 1 to 9 or decreased from 0 to -5.

Wait a minute… Do I have the ability to give negative karma? :s

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


There is a problem with the Javascript that displays the change in karma. However this in no way effects the real data. On refreshing the page you will see that the karma returns to what it should be, this is simply a display bug. I will try and find a fix, thank you for reporting.

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


yeah i noticed that after i wrote this post @flabbyrabbit no problem

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


What about Karma for articles? Just thought about it and it might be a nice idea to show whether an article is good or even very good. (I don’t think that “bad” articles would be submitted so it might be enough to have an up-Karma button, or disallow Karma < 0 for articles)

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago


@ColdIV, I believe this is what the <3, like, love, button is for.

J [ColdIV]
11 years ago


Oh sorry didn’t see it, Then never mind that and well done! ;)

Peter [verath]
11 years ago


Got a few issues with the inbox full view. The list with all messages to the left can’t be scrolled, so i can only see the latest ~10 conversations, the rest are “hidden” as the sidebar is sticky. However, the page is still as high as if all the messages, and not only those accessible in the sidebar, were on the page (as in the “#undefined-sticky-wrapper” is 7526px high).

When I select a conversation I get scrolled to the very bottom of the page ~7500px down, and have to scroll up. Most likely caused by the #undefined-sticky-wrapper thingy.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@verath I have limited the Inbox conversation list to 10 and added a pagination. I have also fixed the auto scrolling to actually go to the right place.

@stefanking56 @freewind1012 I think I have fixed the JS that controls the karma … hopefully this will stop the bug you have been experiencing.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@Keeper I am still actively working on the moderator portion of the forum. This is going to include a warning system like the one you have suggested. So when a moderator edits or deletes a post they will be able to optional warn the user, after the second warning the user will automatically be banned for a short period … increasing if they continue to post bad content. Moderators will be encouraged to remove any content requesting hacks on generic websites.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@fkpuzat I have fixed the problem with removing forum posts with karma of -3 or less .. these posts should now be hidden

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit nope it still isn’t fixed :/ Test it for yourself.Click the up arrow a few times and you will notice it.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


When I press the up arrow button it changes from 0 to 1 and then if I click the down arrow it changes to a -1 and then if I press the up arrow again it changes to 1 and then if I press the up arrow again it changes back to 0.

Does everyone else also have the same effect when they click the up / down arrow buttons for Karma.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@tlotr that is the expected behavior.

@stefanking56 are you talking about clicking on an arrow multiple times quickly?

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


well, it goes like this, when giving a minus karma for the first time its ok, if you give a minus karma again then it rolls back as it was before the first negative karma.
and when giving a positive karma it goes up once, do it again and its rolled back as it was.

[deleted user]
11 years ago



There is definitely something wrong with the arrows. For example I clicked on the up arrow multiple times on your post above and instead of +ve karma it is showing -ve Karma. And now its showing me -18 Karma. I am not changing it back. Request you to please check if you are also able to see the -18 Karma for that post and also request others to check and reply if they also see -18.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Well it seems to be a bug in the display. Cause now when I see the post again after moving to the homepage and moving back to this thread it now shows the Karma as 0. So I think when I do multiple click on the up or down arrow button I am the only one who is able to see that +ve or -ve Karma and it doesn' t really affects the Karma ratings.

11 years ago


I just got awarded the medal for the ability to give negative karma, and the medal for 250 posts , I only have 100 posts , so i don’t mind to get score lol, but i will look like a douche if i keep quite xD

Reply has been removed
Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@Pinkponyprincess thank you for being so honest, I have fixed that bug :)

11 years ago


Is that why I am missing 200 points? Damn!

11 years ago


On a second note, my signature picture doesn’t work for some reason….. I do see it in the profile, just not on the forum….

? [stefanking56]
11 years ago


Yes @tlotr the karma bug is a display bug
@flabbyrabbit I meant when you click the up arrow a few times like maybe 5/6 times the bug will occur

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


[quote=0xDC]On a second note, my signature picture doesn’t work for some reason….. I do see it in the profile, just not on the forum….[/quote]

Mine appears fine. Not sure if flabby isn’t restricting certain file hosts though since I’ve seen such feature being implemented on other public boards with lots of users.

11 years ago


I am using the green-ish button….. strange!

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi Flabby,

What about the JS Level 5. As soon as I enter the password it redirects me to the levels page ( I hope the password is the same as before for JS Level 5 but still does this level suppose to do that if you enter a wrong / correct password.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@tlotr thanks for the reminder. I have updated the level to work properly although you may have to break the cache ctrl+shift+r to get the new file :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Hi Flabby,

I just cleared my cache and deleted all the cache files for both Firefox and chrome but for some reason its still doing the same thing. It is still redirecting me to the levels page after entering the password. I’ll try rebooting the system once. Also I’ll check it in Internet Explorer as well.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Are you sure it is the right password :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I thought the password is the same. Will check it out.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Nothing stays the same forever :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Flabby - I got it.

11 years ago


It seems the forum link within the Basic+ levels doesn’t work, for example for Basic+ 2 it’s but it should be This is the same for each of the Basic+ levels forum links.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: Please check this user’s profile: @pie . It seems he has earned the Veteran silver medal (Login after being registered for a year). But what happened to his Veteran bronze medal (Login after being registered for a month)? As far as I remember, the system used to reward 2 medals at the same time.

11 years ago


One thing I’ve noticed is that couple of times when I am about to post in a thread or publish one, on my first attempt I get “Error making request”. Re-submitting does it however but still would consider it a bug.

Peter [verath]
11 years ago


@Keeper I think it has to do with the CSRF protection token. If you visit the HT forum in a second tab it looks like the token will be recreated, making the value of the first tab invalid, and therefore failing to accept the post.

11 years ago


That makes sense. Flabby would probably confirm?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@verath’s explaination is perfect, it is probably a bit paranoid and if people are finding it irritating then I can always tweak it a little.

P.S. I am out of the country for a week or so therefore I wont be around much and wont be pushing any updates

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Just a little thing, I was looking for the “Most popular threads” but when I want to see the page 2, it shows the page 2 of the global posts. Is it a bug?

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago


@fkpuzat Good spot thank you.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


And same thing with the “Threads with no replies”. You’re welcome ;)

11 years ago


there is a bug on livel basic+2
it says me: User agent not accepted, only secure_user_agent allowed

[deleted user]
11 years ago


There is no bug, this is the level. Read the threads about it ;)

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: Y U NO reply our reports? :@

Check out @pie ’s profile and mine to see there’s a problem with Veteran bronze medal.

11 years ago


[quote=freewind1012]flabbyrabbit: Y U NO reply our reports?[/quote]

[quote=flabbyrabbit]P.S. I am out of the country for a week or so therefore I wont be around much and wont be pushing any updates[/quote]

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Flabby is back but I think he has too many things to do, just wait a little more ;)


Yeah, I know that he has come back. Maybe he’s a bit busy this week.

11 years ago


umm i have a problem with Basic+ Level 2. Im not quite shure if that task is supposed to be like that but he sais something like this: Wrong agent, only secure_agent can log in, and the hint sais U need a different browser


@ArmagedonFlamer: Basic+ Level 2 is working fine. Please read for your knowledge first before saying anything. You can find a solution in this discussion thread.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


What exactly is wrong with your profile @freewind1012?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: There’s nothing wrong with my profile (up until now). But there’s something wrong with the way to reward Veteran bronze medal. Check @pie ’s profile. He earned Veteran silver medal but why did he not earn Veteran bronze medal?

Btw, as @fkpuzat mentioned, there are some missing parameters (popular & no-replies) in the URL of Most Popular threads and Threads with no replies. This made us can’t load page 2 of these threads.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


I have fixed the problem with @pie’s account (but he will have to login again to get the medal). You just confused me with “… and mine to see there’s a problem with Veteran bronze medal.”

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Ah, sorry. I earned the Visits gold metal today (for logging in 30 consecutive days). I found out that I could earn the Veteran bronze medal tomorrow (Day 31, maybe). :p

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@fkpuzat the pagination should now be working properly :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Thanks it works for the “Most popular threads” and for “Threads with no replies” :)
But now I can’t see my watched threads, it says “No threads found, consider starting your own”. Strange isn’t it?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: I notice that the feeds and the feature allowing you to delete recent activities (in everyone’s profile) don’t work anymore. Are they temporarily disabled or completely removed?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


I had removed modernizr so most of the JS stuff had been hidden as my code assumed you didn’t have JS enabled. This should be fixed now :)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Another litle bug with the blue bar of activity days I think. Yesterday I was at 30/40 days and It looked like I was at 40/40 and same thing today (the blue bar hasn’t move). Just a litle graphic bug ;)

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


The blue bar is there to indicate your progress to the next medal. As there is no medal past 30 the bar stays at 100% when you have logged in more than 30 days in a row.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Here’s something I stumbled upon quite accidentally (the medals page):


I’ve marked the possible bug areas with red. The positions of the logo and chat bar in particular. Happens only under Chrome. Is it just me or general issue?

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Ok sorry for the blue bar, I didn’t understand that.

Keeper-> It happens under Firefox too. I saw it here:

(And still this message on the “Watched threads”: “No threads found, consider starting your own”)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


It seems to be an advert for HT!! itself. But the strange thing is that you can actually click on those options. The below Advert shown in the screenshot is like the one which comes up in the mobile phone when you access HT!!.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@Keeper, it appears that the iframe that should be delivering adverts is instead just including HackThis!! Are you running any adblock type add-ons? I am not experiencing this myself.

@fkpuzat I am working on the watched threads section .. no idea what has happened to it

11 years ago


No add-ons but Chrome might have one of ‘em nuisance implementations embedded.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Ahh I have worked it out, I had misunderstood an option in adsense that displays a page when no adverts are available … this should be fixed now

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Sorry but I can see the bug now ^^

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Well the change is going through Google’s servers so give it a second :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Ok I can’t see it now ^^

11 years ago


Yes, it’s fine now. Thanks for the update.

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


flabby, where did you get the server from, what specs does it have …
if you have a link to the offer you got can you please share it?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


I mainly use All Simple they offer good, cheap VPS’s and their support is awesome. The main site runs on a 2 core, 1GB memory VPS.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I can see some threads about Main level 10 in the Main level 1 section. Is it just me?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@fkpuzat: You are not alone.

11 years ago


I experience this one as well.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


I have just implemented a quick fix, hopefully that will do the trick … hasn’t really been tested so if anyone spots any threads in the wrong sections let me know

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


This one for instance. And this one which is off-topic for the forum.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


It works thanks.

A litle thing with oxide’s profile, the 0 and 1 go into the feed section ^^

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


That thread had been posted in the wrong section rather than the site displaying it under the wrong one. It has been moved it to the right section.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Thanks @fkpuzat, that is fixed now (might not appear for a few minutes as the CSS might be cached)

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Sorry but there are still there

And the message “No threads found, consider starting your own” appears on the page 5 and 6 of the Main level 1 section. Is there a link with the Watched threads section?

11 years ago


He already told you that the style sheets are cached on your browser thus changes won’t take effect until you flush it.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Sorry I didn’t understood it was on my browser ^^

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


not sure about this or not, but while the pages load i noticed some contents are served through cloudflare.
is the website protected from DDOS by them?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Thank you @keeper … @fkpuzat I have fixed the pagination on the forum sections to match the new total thread count. I still haven’t fixed the “Watched Threads” link.

@ADIGA they have a nice CDN so a couple of scripts are loaded from there. For example they have the socket.js code which was really slowing things down when it was being loaded from my Node.js server.

Edit: looks like I will need to tweak the auto-detect link parser

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: This is not a bug but I have received a lot of emails from HackThis!! since 2 days ago with title “Forum reply”. It seems the system has pushed email for every notification. Please disable this feature. I had to mark email from HackThis!! as spams, you know. :-s

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


The email notifications are in their infancy. The next update will allow you to choose which notifications you recieve emails for and then in the long run you will be able to opt to recieve a daily summary instead of receiving individual emails. Sorry if you have considered the current emails spam but they are limited to threads that you are interested in (watching).

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@freewind1012 the settings page is now available -

If anyone receives emails for notifications they have disabled please let me know and I will look into it.

Note: PM notifications are not yet working so these emails are not being sent even if they are enabled in your settings.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Thanks @flabbyrabbit . I will let you know if this feature has problem.

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago


Should sticky/closed posts be included in the forum view Threads with no replies?

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


I think that sticky and closed threads should not be included in the no replies section. That reminds me the watched threads section still needs fixing.

Good spot on the forum links. The links are generated automatically, a redirect would probably be the easiest solution.

I am not around for the rest of the week but if someone wanted to have a crack and fixing something. Then making a pull request on GitHub would be awesome!

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: Please check @prabhujegan’s profile. He has earned Score gold medal (5000+ points) but why does the progress bar and his points not say so?

prabhu [prabhujegan]
11 years ago


ya before the update of this site my status is 100% and now after the up date 1%

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


A number of accounts appear to have not recalculated their scores properly. I will reset your score when I get a chance. I will also write a script to try and determine which accounts do not have the correct score and see how widespread the problem is.

???Roun512 [roun512]
11 years ago


I don’t know if this a bug or it’s been posted before but all the time in IRC the ChatBot is restarting all the time and NexBot will restart if you write !profile somenamehere :)

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Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit: I don’t want to be a jerk but there’s another problem with medals. @heavenlyMe has posted 250 posts but he still hasn’t earned Forum medal silver.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


@prabhujegan your score has been reset so should now be correct. I am still trying to find a way to check all users but it is a bit of a headache … if anyone else feels they have the wrong the score please let me know and I will update them.

@roun512 chatbot has been disabled until I have time to fix him

@freewind1012 good spot, I will try and figure out what is wrong

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Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@roun512: That bug has been reported before. I believe @flabbyrabbit is trying to figure out.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


The Watched Threads bug should now be fixed.

Small nugget of knowledge: you can combine filters by editing the URI e.g.

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@flabbyrabbit The downloadable file on basic level 1 like @Zoino mentioned in his thread need to be fixed.

Browser: Google Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57 m

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


The forum link in Real Level Xmas leads to nowhere because of a bit wrong in URL. There’s a Coding Level 3 discussion thread but… where’s the level? :o

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I don’t know if it is a bug but as soon as I post in Crypt Level 6 Online the sentence “12 responses to "Crypt Level 6 Online” changes to “13 responses to "Crypt Level 7 Online”. Strange. Screenshot for reference

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I think JS Level 5 was missing some code…

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Why do you think that?

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Well I’m not actually sure, it’s just what I heard. I briefly remember a post saying the level was missing code.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


The alert shows so it appears that the code is there … or it wouldn’t appear

@heavenlyMe that is just your browser being too clever but I will see what I can do

@freewind1012 that has been mentioned before, there is no easy fix for this but when I have some time I will sort it out

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Ok. I did say I wasn’t sure, sorry. :)

11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I just noticed that the tags from the message menu don’t function (meaning that upon clicking they do not appear) when you scroll down below the first message. Check out our conversation, for instance. Not sure what this is due to since I don’t have enough samples and code to troubleshoot.


[deleted user]
11 years ago


I only encoded my message as a little fun, I am sorry for making the forum go into the feeds.

11 years ago


Well actually you did good since now flabby is aware of the bug and will fix it in case of any further occasions.

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Cool. I did wonder how far the forum would go, if it would take a new line or just keep on going like it did with my post. :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


When I pm a user, the hour displayed is one hour less than the real hour. I think that is because I’m at GMT+1


@fkpuzat: Yeah. The system time is using UTC so anyone who doesn’t live in UK (GMT+0) has to get used to it. :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


So is it a bug? Because when I look the feed section or in the forum the hour on my computer is in agreement with posts, but not in pm.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


Yeah, you can call it a bug if you want. I suppose @flabbyrabbit forgot to add some code to convert database time to user’s computer time in Inbox section. He already did it in most of sections. :p

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


I am starting to move open issues over to GitHub’s issue tracker … this will make it a lot easier to sort through and fix bugs. If you can post issues directly to GitHub ( that would be great, if not I will move them over manually…

@fkpuzat PM timestamps -
@Keeper Forum -
PM icons -

[deleted user]
11 years ago


I am accessing HT!! from my mobile (Android) and I am using google chrome as the web browser. I am unable to open the Page More.Whenever I try to open that page nothing happens. I am not sure if it is a bug or not or I should use someother browser which I will try.

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago

When me want to see an user’s post, if there are most than one page in the thread and if the user’s post isn’t on the first page, the link head to the first page.
Here is an example:
Go to flabby’s profile, click on his last comment in “New version bug reports” which is on the page 16. The link heads to the first page:
And same thing if we edit a post and click on “view thread”.

Hope I helped ;)

[deleted user]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


For some reason the homepage is showing up this way. Is it been changed or am I only the one who is getting it this way.


I have checked in all three browsers that I have (Firefox, Chrome & Internet Explorer) and in all three it showed up the same way.

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@tlotr: I believe @flabbyrabbit has changed a bit of source code to partially display website. You can view more details on GitHub.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
11 years ago


Correct as always @freewind1012 the idea is to encourage more users on to the site by allowing them to have a bit of a look around before registering. It has resulted in very small login/registration links so there is still some more work to be done. As the site exploded soon after the update it has not yet been possible to see what affect this has had on the average length of stay/new users.

Reply has been removed
[deleted user]
11 years ago


Little thing: this guy
have one post (in the wrong thread), one negative karma and awarded the +ve medal.
Is it normal?

Cyan Wind [freewind1012]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago


@fkpuzat: -2 karma and +1 karma. Believe me, I am good at counting, lol. :p

[deleted user]
11 years ago


Ok sorry, I thought “he can’t get a +ve with this post, may be a bug?”. Nevermind ^^

[deleted user]
11 years ago


A little thing happened to me 5 minutes ago. I logged in, saw the green earth with a “1”, I cliked on it and couldn’t see my new notification. Then I cliked on “View More” and I saw a friend request that I accepted.
This is the second time it happens to me. Has this happened to anyone else?

11 years ago


Yes it might happen sometimes. I encountered it once but never again.

[deleted user]
10 years ago


Yesterday I tried to acces HackThis!! on my mobile phone (android). I wrote in the url and hit enter. At first it seems ok but without clicking anywhere it redirects me to a phishing page if I remember.
I tried again and it happened to me about four or five times (with other phishing pages and sometime downloading something on my phone) and after that everything was ok and I could acces HackThis!!

Has this happened to anyone else?

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
10 years ago


Yes that has happed to me as well, thank you for reminding me.
You issue has been added to GitHub.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
10 years ago


Has this only happened within the last two days? We were trying a new ad provider but have since switched back to Google Ads … hopefully this was the cause or there might be a more serious problem.

Luke [flabbyrabbit]
10 years ago


The new version of the site has been online for over 3 months so it is about time to close this thread.

If you have any new bug reports please create a new thread for each bug. Also if you want to be extra helpful please create an issue on the HackThis!! GitHub page - adding your bug directly to the repo means that it won’t be overlooked and lost in the forum.


I use the site daily and everything seems fine. The only problem I have is occasionally I won’t be notified of any messages or notifications. But that only happens every so often. No biggy… :P

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