Nice. I liked the trailer. Will definitely watch the movie.
Batman + Lego? Have to watch this movie. <3
Yeah, I enjoyed the trailer and this actually looks pretty good. I can’t wait to watch it.
Yeah man lego . I just love them !! I think there’s a movie too !!
this might me good . but i like DBZ more !!!!
Not sure whether I should like it or not… it’s is nice because it reminds you of your childhood but although it f**king hurts to step on one of those Lego-Blocks I prefer them that way.
@ColdIV: How can you remind us of that painful memory? :@
I think this would be actually a very good movie based on the attitude that the character have.
I’m actually looking forward to watching this.
Despite the death step, it’s a bit like Wreck-It Ralph, another good film.
Hell yes!
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