Metasploit Help?

11 years ago


Okay, so I’ve found an IP that has open port 443… How do I carry on from here? I think I want to use the meterpreter/bind_tcp or reverse_tcp payload. Does anyone have any advice? Or whats the easiest ports for a beginner to PRACTICE on? Second question is, I tried using the ms_003_ie_css_import exploit, but everytime that I try to run it, it says that my IP address is in use, even when I try different ports? Should my IP be my public one, or private (192…) one, and what ports should I use? Thanks in advance!

*********** [ADIGA]
11 years ago


loltac, befor even thinking of using metasploit, how about you try reading about more of the tools found on kali linux/backtrack, some of them can detect what operating system the remote machine runs.

for the metasploit its an OS you attack not a port, the port is where the exploit is executed through.
now lets say that metasploit has an exploit for port 443 but for windows server 2003 while what you are attacking is running linux…. the exploit will not work.

now if you know the OS of the remote machine, do some simple google search and it will give you what to use and how.

11 years ago


I’m windows, so don’t think I can get backtrack? Okay, someones said that, but I’m using ZenMap as a port scanner, does it tell the OS, or are you better using CMD? Thanks.

[deleted user]
11 years ago



You need to check what services are running on that 443 port before you attack and also you need to check which OS is running on the target machine. You can do a google search for the nmap commands and learn about it. -A or -O is used to get the OS fingerprint of the target IP.

11 years ago


Many thanks tlotr! So how does the services affect the running or usability of the exploit/payload?

[deleted user]
11 years ago



Depending on the services running on the port and the OS you will be able to perform an exploit on the target machine.

For example:

If a target machine is having a port 80 open and using windows.
You need to check what services are running on port 80 (usually it would be a web server). But which web server is being used and which version that is very important to find. If Apache is running with version 2.2.1 then you need to check if you have an exploit for this version or not. Maybe you might have an exploit but for a different version.

I am not a pro in metasploit but this is what I’ve learned so far and I’ve provided an explanation as best as I could.

11 years ago


Thats far more that I’ve garnered from anywhere else! Yep, it makes sense.. So can you only target private network machines.. 192s?

[deleted user]
11 years ago



You have a lot of questions.

Nope its not necessary to be IPs. As long as you can ping it or if you are able to do a nmap scan and get the results it should work.

11 years ago


I’m new to this and trying to learn :) i donnt want to use metasploit web gui etc, i prefer the command console in all honesty… Sorry if i’m bothering you!

[deleted user]
11 years ago



You should watch some videos on youtube regarding metasploit. That is how I learn by watching and listening. I don’t like reading tutorials. I like watching tutorials and listening it helps me learn faster and no you are not bothering me with the questions. I like to help if I can help.

11 years ago


Everyone has different approaches :) i’m just a heavy reader normally, and can read some drab stuff… Warfare etc… So readings just easiest for me… But i will check youtube! Cheers!

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
11 years ago | edited 11 years ago
11 years ago


Its a very specialised tutorial though, and I’ve attempted using that piece of code but I always get a port 443/5 error, and rarely get IPs with these open ports on scans…
Thanks @daMage I’ve started reading through the first link, I’m actually understanding it better now :) thanks!

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