find the IP address on hacked account
Actually, on second thought. Can someone take this account from me. every time I change security information and I turn on verification via mobile number the hacker seems to log in and change information. I have deleted the account, but then the hacker retrieves the account again, is only playing games with me.
But if someone can access the account, someone who knows how to change information so that the hacker does not access it again and then eventually delete the account. It has given me so much headache and problems.
you can do as you wish with it, I just want it out of my system.
I deleted the account for the 4th time yesterday and its up running again.
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
I would disable all attached services and websites, go to Account then Security then at the bottom “Connected applications and sites” click review permissions and revoke them all. That may help, I thought there was a way you could log all devices out automatically too but I can’t find it at the moment.
I would love to change the world, but they won’t give me the source code.
I have disabled and revoked all applications, I have even deleted the entire Google account. but this hacker is an expert, even with the verification code enabled, the person manages to re-enter my account. I do not understand how!!
this is why I am seeking an expert to fight and expert.
If you ever find the source code, let me know so I can assist you in changing the world
Changed your backup/recover/secondary email address?
Got anti-virus and all that Jazz?
But I don’t see why anyone would want to do this to you, unless you have some enemies :)
Folding@Home Stats | Official Thread | Team Number: 223679
I have changed my backup email 3 times already. I have activated backup verification code. I want to delete the account, but the person keeps accessing the deleted account. and I have anti-virus.
Well, at first I thought it was my ex doing this, but she is cannot even find the history settings on Internet Explorer. so she is not great with technology. I don’t know of other enemies. an old email account was hacked before by someone in Spain and I never managed to retrieve it. But this time, the person keeps playing games. otherwise I don’t know if I have other enemies, I certainly hope not :)
Was that Google account important? Did you use it for any banking activity? If not, there is an option in Google Account which allows you to delete an account permanently. Game over.
Btw, does that account REALLY belong to you?
@intercept: Please check this Google Security. It allows you to view all your recent activities. Maybe you can get a hint from there.
yes, I am referring to an account that REALLY belongs to me. I can provide you with details and information if that is necessary. but can you please explain where I can delete the Google account permanently?
I am using this account for business and personal so there is information there that should not be exposed about certain rivalry companies, etc that has been informally discussed.
@intercept: Please read this: Delete Google Account.
this new programe to get the ip download link: B)