Anyone want to program an encrypted chat?
So I have Javascript and PHP skills available, want to create a new encrypted chat since others can be easily broken due to popularity. The algorithm will be randomizing and updated…. idk per week? I have a pretty clever idea for such too. many versions downloadable and all for the user. I have a pretty good idea on the cipher that will probably be very hard to break. I’ll pitch the idea once some developers get involved. Maybe 4-5 people.
[] Algorithm
[] UI
[] client and server side
[] application itself
Everyone should collaborate and talk about a new way of doing things. It has to be complex, low key, untraceable, confusing, tested, and everything to keep it going.
I like the name, ‘The Escape Project’ but names can come later.
Just post skills and or PM me below.
To be honest, I’ve had the idea of creating a website about chatting. Other than that, I’ve no other ideas, neither experience with that kind of programming. But if you know what you’re aiming for, I could do a quick research on it and be ready to assist you.
I know what I’m aiming for just don’t want it to be cracked so I think there are certain aspects to cover but shit. I’ll hop on this tonight just PM me your timezone and stuff so I can know when you’ll be online. I think I’ll make the encrypted chat software but first cover an online app first to kind of ‘rebel’. lol
Never ever use a custom encryption. Encryption algorithms need to be peer reviewed by many experts.
Please do not waste your time writing your own encryption algorithm if you plan to use it for anything other than a learning experience.
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I understand this and have done my research, it’s not text encryption it breaks down into different things and changes per text with a specific id. For example when the user recieves the message it contains information on how to decrypt it back to text.
But yes writing your own encryption is a bad thing but other encryptions are already vulnerable and well known. It’s going to be a process though. Constantly cracking, decrypting our messages until we get it right. About a three month process I’m estimating. I’ll be doing the encryption part I think and maybe for someone else and then whoever wants to develop the messanger gui and lui and the networking stuff let me know. I’m kind of trying to keep this a low key project so it doesnt become widely known.