Anyone get creeped out by the X-files theme song?


Like just a little bothered or uncomfortable? If so got any theories?



Did you mean this theme song? I was a bit chilled out when listening to it. :p

Mystery [kapuccino]
10 years ago


Hey, I love this song. A bit mysterious, a bit cold. :D

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
10 years ago


It’s an awesome song and an even more awesome TV show.


Not this one but the actual intro song.

10 years ago


Hmm theories… Well listening to the song it’s in a minor key which can immediately cut out the “joy/happiness/bright” feel of a song and can give the song an “down/uncomfortable/dark” feel.

Another thing with this song is that the high pitch part of it sits in to the range of 2,000 and 5,000 Hz which makes our ears more sensitive to sound, which can make us feel more uncomfortable and unsettled as well (Article on that here).

Also the tempo/speed of the music, the volume you play it at, or how “busy/crammed” the song is, are all ways that how music can change your emotions; and I’m sure that would have something to do with this.

I just think this song just has that unsettling, mysterious, chilling kind of effect because of all the little bits that just change your thinking into a more uncomfortable state I guess.

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


I used to watch this program when I was a kid and btw I like the theme song it actually a theme music I think there is no lyrics in it correct?

10 years ago


Correct. The original intro song belongs to Mike Oldfield, if i remember correctly. It has no lyrics.

10 years ago


@tlotr when I said it was “unsettling” I didn’t mean it to sound unlikable as well.

10 years ago


No lyrics just plain music. Just checked it out kinda nice!

10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


Yaa….A bit unsettling though but still it is nice !!


when i was a kid after i watched X-files i always slept with my mon and and ://

[deleted user]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


What the heck is this all about? The x-files and were you scared??
This is a learning to hack website not a friggin' kindergarden and
whether mummy wipes your bum and cuddles you at night?

There are other sites where you can do this shit! Get a grip!!
No offence guys but???

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