I’ll be there again this year, who else is going?

10 years ago
It’s in Las Vegas, I don’t even have a passport.

More than likely going, if not next year for sure. My Uncle and I are taking a road trip to Cali this summer and going to chill with some old friends. My Uncle isn’t a hacker or anything but he’s a VERY open minded person and a skilled electrician and loves to tinker around with practically anything. Plus, when he gets excited or into something it’s like he becomes a little kid all over again. My friend is a beginner as far as hacking goes, knows some little things here and there but overall he breaks down and likes to experiment with different technology and fix things, such as the completely broken iPhone I gave him. A very fast learner and deep thinker. So basically they’re both hardware guys I guess you could say.
I guess I’m really the only experienced “hacker, hacker” in the group, and programmer, but there are so many things at defcon and so many activities to cover all aspects of our technolust. It’s really a great place and I plan on teaching my buddy a few things. Personally–, I’m really excited for defcons open network. I plan on stirring some serious ‘ish up in there and wreaking havoc. My friend and I are into the metalcore and cyber punk scenes as well my Uncle and I are into the Death Metal/rock n’ roll scene, so we’re going to get all decked out in leather and look like we’re from the matrix.
I cannot wait! Missed it last year since I didn’t have wheels to drive 2000 miles or the money to fly, get a room, and pay for it. So I pray things work out this year. Really excited!

Haha @MaxLockhart spoke his mind! Hope you get what you want! ;)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Yep its a little expensive but well worth it. If you cant afford to go remember that all the presentations can be downloaded from their site and the vids on Youtube. IAmDevil I’ll try to stand out but its so hard (challenge accepted haha)

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
10 years ago
What if there are more people wearing the HT!! T-Shirt and btw how do I get one of these HT!! T-Shirts?

Haha I don’t think there will be many people wearing it! Hmm… I don’t know the shop is down, pm @flabbyrabbit ,he ’ll tell something! :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
Fuckin' hell. Geat idea. I’m a metalhead so I would definitely wear a battle jacket. Therefore a HT patch would bea freakin' awesome idea and I would wear it. I think I’ll get a shirt for sure though. Great idea @IAmDevil

Haha thank you! There will be a representation from Hackthis!! too. Maybe more people will know about it. :)
- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D
@Gninja + @MaxLockhart I’ll be going. We will have to meet up.
I’ve never been before so I’m looking forward to it, best of all my Uni is paying for everything.
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[quote=Osaka]best of all my Uni is paying for everything[/quote]
Please don’t apply cold water to burned area anymoreeee. :(
Yes we will @Osaka and @freewind1012 what did you mean? lol

@MaxLockhart: If I want to go to DEFCON, I have to spend a lot of money (VISA, tickets…) And Osaka’s university is paying for everything!!! :(