No Backtrack on windows 8?

I recently got a new computer since my xp was broken, so i when to best buy and bought myself a new windows 8 and after searching the internet for my old programs i could not get backtrack on my pc it said that backtrack was too old for my system and they dont distribute it any more please help me solve this problem i need it. thank you so much
As life we are Created to die, as humans we are created to fight. Lets die fighting

Use Kali, it’s the sequel to BT.
But Kali and Backtrack are not programs, they’re operating systems………..
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.

As life we are Created to die, as humans we are created to fight. Lets die fighting
Yeah Kali Linux is pretty awesome…. Here this might help if you still want backtrack though
But, still is outdated, like @SFisher said, so get Kali instead.

BackTrack works fine in dual boot win Win8. That’s how I roll :D (Don’t really have the time to update my computer yet, so no Kali for me)
Don’t post answers on the forums!
Search other forums before making new threads called “help” !

As life we are Created to die, as humans we are created to fight. Lets die fighting

- @IAmDevil
Its good to be back! :D

As life we are Created to die, as humans we are created to fight. Lets die fighting

As life we are Created to die, as humans we are created to fight. Lets die fighting
10 years ago
Perhaps you should learn to get comfortable with the terminal…

Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.
10 years ago
@SFisher You don’t have to promise. We all believe you :)

Well @IAmDevil … Do I really have to explain it? :)
Here’s the list.
[] 05/06. This guy opens a thread asking for help on a topic that I didn’t really understand. He gets 2 replies asking him to clarify a little, but he doesn’t reply back (and leaves the thread open, by the way).
[] 06/06. Instead, he opens yet another thread, which is supposed to be like the follow-up of the story or something. He says that his xp (I guess Windows XP?) was broken, which sounds really confusing to me. What broke? The hard drive? In any case he says the Backtrack site says it’s outdated and asks for help. Well, how about reading the line just below BackTrack 5 is OUTDATED and no longer supported Downloads have been discontinued, which says Please check the KALI LINUX project instead. He refers to Backtrack as a program.
[] We all reply telling him exactly that: Kali Linux. And he replies saying that he can’t find Metasploit?! Here’s where I started getting really lost. I mean, dude… Metasploit comes fully installed (though probably not fully updated, obviously) with Kali. And it came with Backtrack too. XD
[] He says he has experience with Linux and is using it right now. Well let me just doubt it.
[*] “i could see it it was blending in with the option behind it” Eeeeeeh… what? Metasploit? Where? In the menu in BT? Blending in with the option behind it? Do you have like a 3D field as a desktop? This reminded me of Minority Report.
So that’s it, mainly. Heck, maybe I need some coffee, but this makes no sense to me! XD
The whole BT + Kali + Win8 story… I don’t know. I always thought people learned how to use Linux before using BT or Kali, just to know how things work, and that the GUIs are there only to make it easier for dudes who come from Windows. If you’re using Linux you have to know how to use CLI.
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.

Sure @tlotr good share.
Except for the fact that people should have a minimum understanding of things before using Metasploit, because they end up doing stupid shit and going to jail (or more often have their parents pay a huge and nice fine for their actions). :)
Argh. XD
Sorry if that sounded stupid.
All your karamas are belong to us.