What is a good password generator?
Generating passwords online always seems sketchy to me. Besides, how hard is it to generate them yourself? (Hint: not hard at all!)
You can search for the scripts online and then modify it accordingly. That’s what I would do. :)
There are a lot of cool ways of doing it… I’ve found this link really interesting
You can use duc duck go to generate a quick password if you search “password strong 25”
Or you can use a password manager such as keeypass, which can store and generate passwords for you.
anyone is here
another way is kali linux using reaver to create your own word-list to generate
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 2>/dev/null | base64 -w 0 | rev | cut -b 2- | rev
That’s a lot of effort to make sure that the (second) least random character is included…
B.t.w.: it’s a lot easier to just smash your fists on the keyboard a bit.
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