PGP something for you

Nigel Murphy [darkhorsenzl]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago



enter 09B8F295E8A5FB47
which is the my key id upload

keeps saying “key not found”

any help would be good.

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


If you don’t have the right server by accident it will take some time to spread your key around. Be patient


thanks. thought that might be the issue but wasn’t sure as don’t uses PGP.

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
5 years ago


Do people normall say ‘09B8F295E8A5FB47’ when asked the question ‘Who are you?’ ?

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


I had many problems to be unique as the search will look up for any keyword, so it found several accounts and didn’t choose mine

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
5 years ago


@feuerstein Yeah, I also had problems it was finding an old entry which I didn’t have the private key for >.<


How long does it typically take for a key to propagate? I starting to wonder if I’m doing this right.


depends on the keyservers

5 years ago


Is it part of the challenge to spam your key to all possible pgp/gpg keyservers? :P I sent my key to first server (one where my Ubuntu-box defaults) ~2 days ago, but the key doesn’t seem to be found by the challenge code. I also tried few hours ago to send it to some other servers, I’ll check the results again tomorrow. Would it be too big spoiler to just give the server the site is using? I think hiding the information doesn’t add any value to the challenge, but makes the challenge lot more frustrating.

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago


I fully agree, there is no fun trying every server possible.

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Hacking is most of the time about research with try and error, so stop whining ;)

5 years ago | reply to #79301


This is getting little off topic, but additional obscurity doesn’t make any challenge any better in my eyes. Anyways, seems that the one of the other servers I spammed seem to have done the trick during night.

5 years ago


What keyservers are used?

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago


Well, as @feuerstein pointed out, it is part of the challenge to figure it out. I agree it’s not the best part of the challenge but that’s how it is. You can look for notorious servers and post your key there to help it spread faster. You might even find the right one!

5 years ago


Sorry, I didn’t realize the goal was to find out the key servers kkkkk

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago


I would not say it is the goal of the challenge, but getting the site to find your key is definitely part of it.

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


Definately, as the search routine could find a wrong account by the keywords you supply

Smyler [WHGhost]
5 years ago


@feuerstein Looks like you speak from experience :P

5 years ago


There is a change in the challenge?

5 years ago


I think this topic gives away too much information about the challenge.

Perhaps it should be marked as a spoiler?

Nigel Murphy [darkhorsenzl]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago | reply to #79379


have marked it as spolier now.


finaly just waited for a week for it to found me. I now have completed it

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