How to hack a security camera?

10 years ago


Trying to see if I can hack the security cameras in my school. I already have all the teachers and students passwords.

Does anybody know how?

Pete Maynard [Osaka]
10 years ago | edited 10 years ago


If the camera are based on IP then you should be able to scan the network for them, then see what services they are running. If they are non-IP then you need to hope that they’re hooked up to a monitoring computer, and that it’s not on it’s own network.

Either way, run nmap over your network see what you find. Though I am saying this for educational reasons, so please do not hack the cameras. Not that nmap is illegal.

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10 years ago


Stop right now. Hacking into things like security camera’s is HIGHLY Illegal and can land you in jail/juvenile detention for a vast number of years. Nobody on this site can help you because it is against the rules. I am flagging this post now.

10 years ago


is not working

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BlackBox [Ransetsu]
10 years ago


am i the only one who thinks that the penalties for hacking (at least in the states) are too steep? i feel like the punishment does not fit the crime a lot of times here.

10 years ago


Computer crimes are taken VERY seriously in most places especially the States and UK. Some criminals have done things which they should have got 10+ years for yet a hacker can get 10+ years for hacking into just a small business. I think it works well having such strict laws but then again it has its disadvantages. People do sometimes think that hackers shouldn’t get so long in prison for big things like that credit card hack a couple years ago but I think that if you go mucking around with seriously big stuff then you definitely should go to prison for a long time.

BlackBox [Ransetsu]
10 years ago


I’m just afraid that the ways the laws are written they wont differentiate the big things from the small things. like hacking a corporation to steal their intellectual property vs. hacking your neighbors network to get free wifi. or in Amit’s case hacking the school cameras for a little fun. there is a big difference and i don’t think that distinction is made well in some legal systems. kinda like how here pirating stuff can get you put away for a while whereas over in Sweden (?) the guys from the pirate bay got like 2 years, which is nothing to turn your nose up at, but it’s certainly nothing like the 20 years they might try to put you away for here.

10 years ago


I don’t know boy!

10 years ago


Naughty boy! Why would u wanna do that?!

10 years ago


It’s illegal guys, don’t screw with the Law because in the end it’s just going to get you into trouble.


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